项目名称: Nb2O5纳米线网络的室温氢敏及其修饰增强机理研究
项目编号: No.61274073
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 胡永明
作者单位: 湖北大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 对低浓度的氢气进行快速、准确的原位探测,具有重要的学术价值和广阔的应用前景。本项目针对目前半导体氧化物材料室温下对氢气检测灵敏度不高和响应速度慢等问题,提出采用热氧化法在叉指电极预图案上自组装Nb2O5纳米线网络并研究其室温氢敏性能,建立纳米线的尺寸、取向、表面与界面等微结构特征与纳米线网络的室温氢气响应灵敏度和响应速度的内在联系;结合理论计算,研究室温下氢与Nb2O5纳米线表面的化学反应,探明化学键的成键特性及其对纳米线电子结构的影响,揭示纳米线的室温氢敏机理;结合原位氧化聚合工艺获得金属Pd/聚苯胺纳米颗粒修饰的Nb2O5纳米线网络,研究表面修饰对Nb2O5纳米线表面氢的解离、吸附和扩散行为的影响,探明提高纳米线网络室温氢气响应速度的物理机制。本项目的顺利实施将为研制新型室温氢气敏感材料体系提供理论和实验依据,对于促进低成本、小型化和高度集成的氢敏元件的发展具有重要的理论和实际意义。
中文关键词: Nb2O5纳米线网络;MoO3纳米线纸;氢气传感器;表面修饰;敏感机理
英文摘要: It's of academic significance and wide potential applications to in-situ detect hydrogen with low concentration fast and accurately. In view of the low hydrogen sensitivity and slow response speed at room temperature of semiconductor materials at present, Nb2O5 nanowire networks are self-assembly grown on interdigital electrode patterns by thermal oxidation approach and room temperature hydrogen sensing are also investigated. The inner relationship between microstructural features of the nanowire sizes, orientation, surface and interface etc and the room temperature hydrogen sensing of nanowire network are built. The surface chemical reaction between hydrogen and Nb2O5 nanowires at room temperature are studied combined with theory calculation, in which the bonding features of chemical bonds and its effect on electronic structures will be explored, and then the room temperature hydrogen sensing mechanism of nanowires will be revealed. Nb2O5 nanowire networks decorated by metal Pd/PANI nanoparticles are obtained through in situ chemically oxidative polymerization process. The effect of surface modification on the dissociation, adsorption and diffusion behavior of Nb2O5 nanowires surface hydrogen, and the enhancement physical mechanism of hydrogen sensing response speed of Nb2O5 nanowire networks will be revealed.
英文关键词: Nb2O5 nanowire network;MoO3 nanowire paper;Hydrogen sensor;Surface modification;Sensing mechanism