项目名称: 多孔POSS/PDMS分子内杂化膜的制备及其渗透汽化优先透醇性能研究
项目编号: No.21206001
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 化学工程及工业化学
项目作者: 展侠
作者单位: 北京工商大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目以燃料乙醇生产过程中低浓度乙醇的分离提纯为研究背景,以多孔低聚倍半硅氧烷/聚二甲基硅氧烷(POSS/PDMS)分子内杂化膜的设计制备及其渗透汽化优先透醇性能为研究对象,以界面化学、材料和结构化学为理论指导,以烷氧基化POSS作为交联剂和多孔材料前体,采用溶胶-凝胶技术同时构建PDMS三维网络和POSS多孔结构,在纳米尺度上实现POSS与PDMS的分子级杂化,设计和制备一系列具有共价键合作用的POSS/PDMS分子内杂化膜,从根本上提高杂化膜结构和分离性能稳定性;通过测定乙醇/水小分子在杂化膜内的溶解、扩散特性及渗透汽化分离性能,探索小分子在杂化膜内的传质规律,建立小分子在杂化膜中的传质机理模型;通过改变膜制备条件调控杂化膜微观结构性质,从多个角度探讨杂化膜材料微观结构-宏观分离性能之间的定量关系,以指导杂化膜材料的结构设计,为渗透汽化优先透醇膜的工业应用提供必要的理论和实验支撑。
中文关键词: POSS/PDMS;分子内杂化;多孔材料;优先透醇;渗透汽化
英文摘要: The research background of this project is the separation and purification of ethanol with low concentration in ethanol biofuel production process. The object of the project is to investigate the design and preparation of porous Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane/Polymdimethylsiloxane(POSS/PDMS) intermolecular hybrid membranes as well as their pervaporation performance for ethanol recovery. Based on the theoretical guidance of interfacial chemistry, materials and structural chemistry, a series of POSS/PDMS intermolecular hybrid membranes are designed and prepared via sol-gel method using alkoxylated POSS as both cross-linking agent of PDMS and precursor of porous POSS. PDMS three-dimensional network and porous POSS structure are built at the same time, while POSS and PDMS hybrid on the nanometer scale via covalent bonding, which fundamentally enhances the structure and separation performance stability of the hybrid membranes. The solution and diffusion characteristics of ethanol/water molecules in hybrid membranes, as well as macroscopic pervaporation performance are measured to explore the mass transfer disciplines of ethanol/water molecules in hybrid membranes. And finally a mass transfer mechanism model is to be established. The micro-structural properties of POSS/PDMS hybrid membranes are tuned by changing
英文关键词: POSS/PDMS;Intermolecular hybridization;Porous materials;Ethanol perm-selective;Pervaporation