项目名称: 高灵敏度自适应数字多波束导航抗干扰技术研究
项目编号: No.61271416
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王伶
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟以我国全球卫星导航系统(RNSS)为背景,开展空域、时域、频域、码域、极化域多维域联合的高灵敏度自适应数字多波束导航抗干扰技术研究,充分利用多波束高增益和高抗干扰能力优势,开展数字多波束抗干扰方法与算法、干扰信号参数估计与抗干扰处理方法与算法、极化-空-时-频多维域导航抗干扰联合处理方法与算法、多波束抗干扰滤波器的波束跟踪滤波算法四个方面的内容研究,探索新概念,掌握新原理,提出有效的处理新方法、新准则以及新算法。拟解决的关键科学问题包括数字多波束多维域自适应抗干扰的联合处理新准则、抗干扰算法的快速自适应性以及以性能、复杂度和稳健性为联合度量的多目标优化算法。力求在数字多波束的自适应约束波束控制、波束自适应指向的数字多波束抗干扰处理、波束自治跟踪数字多波束抗干扰处理、空-时-频-极化多维域导航抗干扰联合处理方面取得创新性研究成果,为我国未来的全球卫星导航系统接收机奠定理论基础,提升卫
中文关键词: 导航抗干扰;阵列信号处理;数字多波束抗干扰;空时频极化联合处理;波束跟踪
英文摘要: High sensitivity adaptive digital multi-beamforming navigation anti-jamming techniques based on space, frequency, code, and polarization domain will be studied under the Radio Navigation Satellite System (RNSS). By exploiting the advantages of high gain and strong interference resistance ability of multi-beamforming anti-jamming processing, we will focus on digital multi-beamforming anti-jamming methods and algorithms, parameters estimation of jamming signal and anti-jamming processing, joint processing methods and algorithms of space-time-frequency-polarization domain, and beam tracking and filtering of anti-jamming multi-beam. Some new concepts, theory, methods, and algorithms are hopeful to be proposed under the support of this project. Key scientific problems to be solved are involved in new adaptive anti-jamming methods with joint space-time-frequency-polarization processing, fast adaptation of the anti-jamming algorithms, and multiple targets optimization of performance, complexity, and robustness. We will try to achieve some innovative algorithms and conclusions of adaptive constraint multi-beam control, anti-jamming processing with multi-beam pointing to navigation signal direction of arrival, anti-jamming processing and algorithm with autonomic multi-beam tracking, joint anti-jamming processing of space
英文关键词: navigation anti-jamming;array signal processing;digital multi-beamforming anti-jamming;joint space-time-frequency-polarization processing;beam tracking