项目名称: 基于位置的量子密码学理论研究
项目编号: No.61272057
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 高飞
作者单位: 北京邮电大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 课题组已经超额完成了青年科学基金项目中的所有研究目标。该项目的预期考核指标为“发表论文20篇以上,其中SCI 刊源论文12篇以上,国际期刊论文5篇以上”。目前项目组已经发表SCI刊源论文51篇,其中国际期刊论文38篇,包括权威国际期刊PRA 4篇、IEEE JQE 2篇、QIC 2篇。 本项目主要研究基于位置的量子密码学中的关键理论问题,包括:探索不受no-go定理约束的新的量子位置认证模型,并给出安全的量子位置认证协议;研究在标准模型下攻击者共享纠缠量受限的情况下量子位置认证协议的安全性,给出攻击成功所需纠缠量的更紧致的界;设计基于位置的签名、秘密共享、密钥协商及消息认证等量子密码协议;解决基于位置的量子密码学在实际应用中可能面临的特殊需求问题。本项目研究成果将有力推动基于位置的量子密码学的快速发展,并为未来可能的实际应用提供理论支持。
中文关键词: 量子位置认证;加强版no-go定理;非同时性量子位置认证;频率受限安全模型;基于位置的量子密码协议
英文摘要: Through the tireless efforts of the project team, we achieved all the research goals of the last project, and obtained fruitful achievements which are much better than the original plan. Compared with aim of “publish more than 20 papers, in which more than 12 are published on SCI-indexed journals and 5 on international ones”, 51 relevant papers were published on SCI-indexed journals, among which 38 appeared on international ones, including 8 papers on the authoritative journals Physical Review A, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, and Quantum Information and Computation. This project studies some important theoretical issues in position-based quantum cryptography, especially the following contents: to find new security models of quantum position verification, which are beyond the limitation of no-go theorem, and design secure quantum position-verification protocols in these models; to study the security of quantum position-verification protocols in the standard model where the amount of entanglement shared among the attackers is limited, and give tight bounds on this amount; to design position-based quantum cryptographic protocols such as signature, secret sharing, key agreement and message authentication, etc.; to resolve the potential problems which might appear in the real application of position-based
英文关键词: quantum position verification;strengthen no-go theorem;non-simultaneous QPV;bounded attack-frequency model;position-based quantum cryptographic protocol