项目名称: 基于群体智能的微博情感分析研究
项目编号: No.61300222
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 文坤梅
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 微博是近年来较为流行的一种集成化和开放化的新型在线社会网络服务,已经成为研究的热点之一,进两年来获得了极大的关注,也逐渐出现了一些初步的研究成果,但由于微博具有文本不规范、社会网络关系复杂、实时性及用户互动频繁等特点,目前尚缺乏有效的微博情感分析方法。本项目面向微博中的热点话题,建立一套基于群体智能的微博情感分析方法。研究内容包括:(1)融合微博时空特征与上下文特征,建立面向微博热点话题的用户观点模型;(2)研究微博用户、热点话题特征以及用户观点之间的多维内、外部关联关系,提出度量微博用户情感的方法;(3)采用群体智能优化模型的方法,确定微博用户的情感强度对大众观点形成的影响。基于群体智能的微博情感分析方法,有别于传统在线文本情感分析,融合微博所具有的社会网络特性和用户之间的群体行为特征,分析与挖掘目前亟待深入研究的微博在线社会网络,具有重要的理论价值和良好的应用前景。
中文关键词: 微博;情感分析;群体智能;公众情感;
英文摘要: Microblog is a new popular, integrated and open online social network service. It attracts lots of concern in recent years and becomes one of the hot research fields. Some initial efferts are obtainned. However, because of the non-standard tweets, complicated social network relationships, real-time and frequent user interaction features, the current status is lack of effective microblog sentiment analysis methods. Focusing on microblog hot topics, this project will establish a set of sentiment analysis methods based on swarm intelligence. The research contents include: (1) Integrated the spatial and temporal characteristics and the content features of microblog, the opinion model of microblog users will be established for hot topics. (2) We will research on the microblog users, the feature of hot topics and the multi-dimensional internal and external associations existing among the users' opinions. The measure method will be proposed to discover the microblog users' sentiment. (3) By using the method of swarm intelligence, the impact beteen the user's sentiment intensity and the public opinions will be determined. The sentiment analysis methods based on swarm intelligence for microblog is different from the traditional online text sentiment analysis method by combining the social network feature of microblog and
英文关键词: Microblog;Sentiment analysis;Swarm intelligence;Public emotion;