项目名称: 开关磁阻电机系统电气故障诊断基础理论与关键技术研究
项目编号: No.51277174
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 陈昊
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 在确认和归纳开关磁阻电机多种故障基础上,将揭示开关磁阻电机定子绕组相间短路、对地短路、相绕组开路、相绕组短路、线圈短路及线圈匝间短路故障表征规律、功率变换器主开关管短路和开路及续流二极管短路和开路故障表征规律、转子位置检测器传感器失效和输出信号奇变故障表征规律,获得相应故障的理论判据,建立系统半实物非线性仿真研究平台和硬件试验研究平台,试制出定子绕组故障、功率变换器故障、转子位置检测器故障模拟试验样机,掌握故障类型、故障深度与故障特征参数的定量关系,确立故障特征量分离及提取有效手段,提出故障诊断判据和诊断方法。为其定子绕组故障、功率变换器故障、转子位置检测器故障诊断和定位,提高系统运行可靠性,提出新的故障诊断理论和方法。发表高质量学术论文10篇以上,申请中国发明专利3-4项,培养博士生3名、硕士生3名。其成果将具有我国自主知识产权,将促进开关磁阻电机系统在航空航天、煤矿井下等领域推广应用。
中文关键词: 开关磁阻;故障诊断;电机控制;功率变换器;定子绕组
英文摘要: The fault diagnosis of stator windings in Switched Reluctance motor, the fault diagnosis of power converter and the fault diagnosis of rotor position detector will be researched by theoretical analysis, semi-physical non-linear simulation including software synchronized simulation, hardware synchronization and prototype experiments. On the basis of identification and induction of a variety of fault in Switched Reluctance motor drive, the fault characterization discipline of inter-phase short circuit of stator winding, short circuit of the coils to ground, open circuit of phase winding, short circuit of phase winding, short circuit of coil and inter-turn short circuit of a coil in the motor, the fault characterization discipline of short circuit of main switches, open circuit of main switches, short circuit of freewheeling diodes and open circuit of freewheeling diodes in the power converter, and the fault characterization discipline of single sensor failure, multiple sensors failure, abnormal output signals in the rotor position detector will be shown. The theoretical criterion of the faults will be obtained. The semi-physical non-linear simulation research platform and the hardware test platform will be established. The fault experimental prototype of stator windings including inter-phase short circuit of stato
英文关键词: Switched reluctance;fault diagnosis;motor control;power converter;stator winding