项目名称: 定向石墨烯纳米锥可控制备及其在场发射显示中应用研究
项目编号: No.61204062
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 胡海龙
作者单位: 福州大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 碳纳米材料场发射显示器为次世代显示器的新兴领域。然而碳纳米结构在基底电极上的分布和取向各异,导致场发射不均匀或不稳定,成为制约该技术发展的主要瓶颈。研制和开发一种发射尖端指向阳极、分布密度可控的碳基纳米结构阴极是解决该问题的有效途经。本项目引入模板调制阴极结构的理念,以石墨烯纳米锥场发射阴极为研究对象,利用模板调控阴极结构的取向和分布密度,提出了解决场发射性能不可控问题的新思路。采用表面具有辐射状纳米锥结构的海胆型镍微粒子为模板,用PECVD法在其表面低温生长石墨烯制备场发射阴极结构,研究石墨烯纳米锥尖端形貌及其分布密度对场发射性能的影响,优化并设计具有最佳发射特性的石墨烯纳米锥阴极结构,建立电子在基底、镍粒子、石墨烯纳米锥以及真空之间的传输与发射模型。本项目旨在设计和制备场发射均匀、稳定的石墨烯纳米锥阴极,为制作高亮度、大面积场发射显示器奠定理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 海胆型镍粒子;石墨烯;纳米锥;场发射;
英文摘要: Carbon nano-structure field emission display (FED) is an emerging area for the next-generation displays. While the random orientation and distribution of carbon nanostructures give rise to unstable electron emission, which is the major bottleneck for applying the FED technology. The fabrication of a carbon-based nanostructure cathode with distribution-controllable emission tips orienting towards the anode is an effective way to solve the problem. This project introduces a concept of template-directed cathode structure to design graphene nano-horn field emission cathodes. The orientation and distribution density of electron emission tips are well controlled by a template, presenting a new method to adjust the field emission properties. Sea urchin-like nickel particle having spokewise nano-horns on the surface is employed as a template, and graphene layers are grown on the template surface by low temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) to prepare the cathode architecture. The dependences of morphology and distribution density of graphene nano-horns on field emission properties are investigated to optimize the technological parameters. The graphene nano-horn cathodes with fine emission properties are designed. A model is proposed to elucidate the electron transport between the nickel particle
英文关键词: Sea urchin-like Ni particles;Grahene;Nano-horn;Field emission;