项目名称: 旋量凝聚体的光耦合特性及量子涨落
项目编号: No.11204204
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 张杰
作者单位: 太原理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 利用激光电场的极化效应,可以囚禁各种自旋状态的原子,从而实现一个崭新的量子自旋体系- - 旋量玻色凝聚体。它既具备超流性,但是由于自旋自由度的解放,又携带着非常丰富的磁学效应,再加上凝聚体本身的光学特性,使得旋量凝聚体在分数量子霍尔效应,微弱磁场测量,量子模拟,新型光学器件等实际应用方面有着广泛的前景。本项目研究具有丰富内部自由度的超冷玻色凝聚体的光场自旋轨道耦合和量子涨落特性。结合世界范围内旋量凝聚体实验方面取得的进展,选择自旋为1的旋量凝聚体作为对象,运用量子多体理论,规范理论主要研究两个方面的内容:(1)光场作用实现的的自旋轨道耦合及其对凝聚体自身拓扑性质的影响,(2)旋量凝聚体混合物的量子涨落及调控。我们关注两个新颖的物理现象,即自旋混合动力学的光学响应和自旋压缩与涨落膨胀,其实现和调控可以加深人们对旋量凝聚体的量子特性的认识,检验量子多体物理的基本模型。
中文关键词: 旋量凝聚体;破碎凝聚态;量子蒙特卡罗;三体超流;自旋压缩
英文摘要: Using linearly polarized optical means, people succeeded in trapping atoms with internal degrees of spin freedom, which opens up a new quantum system: spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates. In addition to the unique optical sensitivities, this system is superfluid accompanied by individual atom magnetic moment and exhibits a rich variety of magnetic phenomena. With these features, the spinor condensate has extensive application prospect in many fields, such as fractional quantum Hall effect, the detection of weak magnetic field, quantum simulation,advanced optical device. In the present project, we investigate the optical spin-orbit coupling properties and the number fluctuations of spinor condensate.We choose spin F=1 atoms for the spinor condensate and foucus on two topical subjects :(1)The principle of the optical spin-orbit coupling and its influence on the topological properties of the spinor condensate,(2)regulation and control of the number fluctuations in a spinor condensate mixture.Two novel phenomena deserve attention, spin mixing dynamic of the spin-orbit coupling gas, and the spin squeezing and the fluctuation enhancement, the realization and regulation of them can help people understanding the quantum characteristics and inspect the basic quantum model.
英文关键词: spinorBEC;fragmented condensate;quantum Monte Carlo;Trimer superfluid;spin squeezing