AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)是新加坡的一所世界著名研究型大学。南大是环太平洋大学联盟、全球大学校长论坛、新工科教育国际联盟成员,全球高校人工智能学术联盟创始成员、AACSB 认证成员、国际事务专业学院协会(APSIA)成员,也是国际科技大学联盟的发起成员。作为新加坡的一所科研密集型大学,其在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究享有世界盛名,为工科和商科并重的综合性大学。
Dr. Tan, Chee Wei received the M.A and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Princeton University. His research interests are wireless networks, artificial intelligence, optimization and distributed machine learning. He was a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) and was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the NetLab Group at Caltech. His industrial experience includes consulting for Tencent AI Lab, Qualcomm R&D (QRC). Dr. Tan has served as Editor for the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. He received the Princeton University Wu Prize for Excellence, Google Faculty Award, NRF Fellowship, university teaching awards, IEEE Information Theory Society 2015 Chapter of the Year award, and was selected twice for the U.S. National Academy of Engineering China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
One PhD position at the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, starting 1st January 2023. Deadline 31st August 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created numerous challenges worldwide, among others are public healthcare technologies against COVID-19 variants and future pandemics, infodemics (viral misinformation due to the pandemics) and digital transformation, amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking for PhD students who have a strong background in computer science and interests in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to work on big data projects involving huge volume of information, open-sourced intelligence, gathered from sources such as media, the internet, public government data, to support strategic intelligence and shared decision-making efforts to collate meaningful insights that enable timely strategic digital public health decision-making to address the COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemic challenges.
The research on AI technologies includes Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), distributed optimization and big data analysis. Candidates have excellent first degree in computer science or electrical engineering degrees (from top-tiered schools in China), and are expected to be proficient in analytical thinking (i.e., good mathematical training), knowledgeable about machine learning and have good software programming experience. The PhD research at NTU will be in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and jointly supervised by Professors Josip Car (Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine at NTU and Imperial College) and CW Tan.
PhD applicants must meet the interdisciplinary graduate program requirement:
and readily have the test scores for GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS for the PhD application at:
To apply, please email Prof. Tan Chee Wei at cheewtanhk@gmail.com with your detailed curriculum vitae and university transcripts.
腾讯天衍实验室|华为诺亚方舟实验室|上海人工智能实验室|澜舟科技|百度智能生活事业群组|中科院自动化所|浙江大学杭州国际科创中心|深透医疗|旷视研究院3D组|OpenMMLab|PayPal|360人工智能研究院|聆心智能|美团骑行算法团队|深圳瑞德林生物|清华OpenBMB团队|腾讯微信事业群|OPPO研究院|阿里达摩院XR实验室|字节跳动智能创作图像团队|科大讯飞智慧医疗研究院|NVIDIA初创加速计划团队|京东探索研究院|微软亚洲互联网工程院|中科院计算机网络信息中心|商汤科技研究院|蚂蚁金服智能引擎技术事业部|微软亚洲互联网工程院|华为云Edge AI团队|微软亚洲研究院机器学习组|字节跳动商业化内容理解中台|微软搜索广告算法团队|英特尔中国研究院|腾讯优图实验室视频组|IDEA数字经济研究院|微软亚洲互联网工程院|小红书社区技术部|启元实验室|三星通信研究院|摄星智能|易航智能|阿里妈妈展示广告团队|浪潮集团|商汤科技SenseParrots团队|字节跳动Data-电商团队|索尼中国研究院|阿里巴巴国际化广告技术团队|OPPO小布助手|百度视觉技术团队|北京脑科学与类脑研究中心合作实验室|Hulu机器学习应用平台团队|粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院|交叉科技|浪潮集团|上海期智研究院|启元世界|商汤研究院基础视觉组|小红书|未来机器人|微软亚洲研究院机器学习组|粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院|香港量子人工智能实验室|联汇科技|粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院|百图生科|阿里Lazada广告技术团队
AI 求职是「PaperWeekly」旗下聚焦人工智能领域的招聘平台,涵盖高校硕博招生、博士后招募、企业校招、社招、实习和内推等。