In 1865, Gregor Johann Mendel, an Augustinian priest in a Brno monastery, described to the Brno Natural Science Society the transfer of determinants in pea plants. Sadly, the fundamental importance of Mendel's findings was not understood by the Society. His work was so brilliant and unprecedented at the time it appeared that it took thirty-four years for the rest of the scientific community to catch up to it. The short monograph, Experiments with Plant Hybrids, in which Gregor J. Mendel described how traits were inherited, has become one of the most enduring and influential publications in the history of science. Until 1900, no one recognized that Gregor J. Mendel had discovered the Law of Heredity.
Brno, the workplace of the "Father of Genetics" and the conference organizers, is very pleased to offer a conference platform on modern engineering using the principles of heredity. The International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL organizers wish to create a base for a theoretical and practical exchange of knowledge of artificial evolution theories. Theoretical papers that relate to the conference topic are welcome, as are any practical results and knowledge from the field of computational intelligence.
This year the Soft Computing Conference MENDEL 2018 is organised under the auspices of City Mayor Ing. Petr Vokřál, and Brno University of Technology together with support of B&R, Ltd., AutoCont Ltd., Humusoft, Ltd., and The City of Brno.
Brno is the second largest city of the Czech Republic, which is a very attractive place for the 24th International Conference on Soft Computing – MENDEL 2018 and offers all tourism facilities and serious scientific experiences.
GPCE 2018
International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences
The International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experience (GPCE) is a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques that use program generation, domain-specific languages, and component deployment to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques of generation.
WoSAR 2018
International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation
全文截稿: 2018-07-21
开会时间: 2018-10-15
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Memphis, TN, USA
Software aging is a problem of progressive degradation of performance and dependability in computer programs, especially those executing for long period of time. This phenomenon has been extensively studied since more than 20 years, as it affects many systems, from embedded devices to server software to critical systems.
Software rejuvenation, i.e. restart of application (components/threads/task), VMs or machines, is the most prominent approach to combat software aging. A variety of reactive and proactive rejuvenation techniques, scheduling plans, scope and granularity, have been proposed for different application categories and platforms.
WoSAR is the premier international venue to discuss the recent advances and discoveries in theoretical and practical aspects of software aging and rejuvenation research.
This call for papers addresses all researchers and practitioners with an interest about performance and dependability degradation of software systems. Topics addressed in the workshop include but are not limited to: •Progressive degradation of performability / availability / reliability / scalability / “-ilities” in software systems. •Modeling and characterization of the software aging phenomenon. •Design and evaluation of rejuvenation techniques. •Analysis of aging-related faults/bugs, errors, and failures. •Software test strategies for detecting aging-related bugs. •Monitoring and detection of software aging effects (e.g., memory leaks, database index fragmentation, unterminated processes/threads, accrual of round-off errors, ...). •New classes of software aging effects. •Software aging and rejuvenation in Big Data and IoT Apps. •Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). •Analytical, empirical, and experimental studies of any of the above topics. •Analysis of real case studies. •Environment dependent bugs and their mitigation techniques. •Metrics for software performance and degradation. •Fault localization and testing for aging-related bugs. •Machine learning techniques for aging-related bugs. •Tools for detection and repair of memory leaks. •Analytical, empirical, and experimental studies of any of the above topics.
For all the above topics, WoSAR is a unique forum to discuss the software aging and rejuvenation impacts on systems from different domains of applicability such as: Cloud computing, Mobile, Embedded, Medical, Cyber-physical, SCADA, Smart Cities, Transportation, Telecommunication, Military, System of systems, Databases, High Performance Computing, Software Defined Networks, and others.
uRos 2018
Conference on the Use of R in Official Statistics
全文截稿: 2018-09-07
开会时间: 2018-09-12
会议难度: ★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: The Hague, Netherlands
The tutorial sessions are aimed at presenting packages and techniques to R users that are interesting for official statistics. Possible topics include report generation, data editing, survey design, survey sampling, weighting and estimation, disclosure control, building and integrating production systems and working with big data.
Tutorial presenters are expected to prepare some exercises so participants can gain hands-on experience during the session. Participants are expected to bring their own laptops.
Authors are invited to propose an abstract for a single or double-slot tutorial session. A single slot takes about three hours including a 20 minute coffee break.
Proposals for tutorial sessions in plain text, with a maximum of about 250 words can be submitted no later than 31 May 2018 by e-mail to the uRos2018 secretariat:
Authors are invited to submit abstracts relating to any of the following topics: -Examples of applying R in statistical production. -Examples of applying R in dissemination of statistics (visualisation, apps, reporting). -Analyses of big data and/or application of machine learning for official statistics. -Implementations of statistical methodology in the areas of sampling, editing, modelling and estimation, or disclosure control. -R packages connecting R to other standard tools/technical standards -Organisational and technical aspects of introducing R to the statistical office. -Teaching R to users in the office -Examples of accessing or using official statistics publications with R in other fields