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2017 年 12 月 8 日 Call4Papers Call4Papers

BigVis 2018

International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics

全文截稿: 2017-12-25
开会时间: 2018-03-26
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Vienna, Austria
One the major challenges of the Big Data era is that it has realized the availability of a great amount and variety of massive datasets for analysis by non-corporate data analysts, such as research scientists, data journalists, policy makers, SMEs and individuals. A major characteristic of these datasets is that they are: accessible in a raw format that are not being loaded or indexed in a database (e.g., plain text, json, rdf), dynamic, dirty and heterogeneous in nature. The level of difficulty in transforming a data-curious user into someone who can access and analyze that data is even more burdensome now for a great number of users with little or no support and expertise on the data processing part. The purpose of visual data exploration is to facilitate information perception and manipulation, knowledge extraction and inference by non-expert users. The visualization techniques, used in a variety of modern systems, provide users with intuitive means to interactively explore the content of the data, identify interesting patterns, infer correlations and causalities, and supports sense-making activities that are not always possible with traditional data analysis techniques.

In the Big Data era, several challenges arise in the field of data visualization and analytics. First, the modern exploration and visualization systems should offer scalable data management techniques in order to efficiently handle billion objects datasets, limiting the system response in a few milliseconds. Besides, nowadays systems must address the challenge of on-the-fly scalable visualizations over large and dynamic sets of volatile raw data, offering efficient interactive exploration techniques, as well as mechanisms for information abstraction, sampling and summarization for addressing problems related to visual information overplotting. Further, they must encourage user comprehension offering customization capabilities to different user-defined exploration scenarios and preferences according to the analysis needs. Overall, the challenge is to enable users to gain value and insights out of the data as rapidly as possible, minimizing the role of IT-expert in the loop.

The BigVis workshop aims at addressing the above challenges and issues by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss exchange and disseminate their work. BigVis attempts to attract attention from the research areas of Data Management & Mining, Information Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction and highlight novel works that bridge together these communities.


ISDFS 2018

International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security

全文截稿: 2018-01-05
开会时间: 2018-05-22
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Antalya, Turkey
We are pleased to announce that The 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS 2018) will be held in Antalya, Turkey, on March 22-25, 2018. The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE Turkey Section. The conference proceedings will be submitted for publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

ISDFS provides a platform for researchers and experts in academia, industry and government to exchange ideas and recent developments in digital forensics and security. After the several successful events, the sixth ISDFS conference will continue to promote and disseminate knowledge concerning several topics and technologies related to Digital Forensics and Security.

Special sessions, workshops, tutorials, keynotes, panel discussions, poster and oral presentations will be included in the symposium program.

Topics within the scope of the symposium include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
-Digital Forensics
-Data Privacy
-Information Security


ESWC 2018

Extended Semantic Web Conference

摘要截稿: 2018-01-05
全文截稿: 2018-01-12
开会时间: 2018-06-03
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
会议地点: Hereklion, Greece
The goal of the Semantic Web is to create a network of data and knowledge that interconnect across the Web, and where both content and its meaning are manipulated by processes, services and applications. This endeavour naturally draws from and impacts on many disciplines of computing (and connected areas), related to data and information management, knowledge engineering, machine intelligence, human knowledge and languages, software services and applications. We are therefore seeking contribution to research at the intersection of the Semantic Web and these areas, as described in the 9 research tracks of the conferences.

In addition to the main focus on advances in Semantic Web research and technologies, ESWC 2018 is looking to broaden the Semantic Web research community’s understanding and focus on problems and areas that directly impact the development of the Semantic Web. Thus, the 15th edition of ESWC 2018 includes 2 additional research tracks: the Benchmarking and Empirical Evaluations track, and the Semantic Web for Science track.

The aim of the  Benchmarking and Empirical Evaluations track is to encourage the community to submit papers on results of empirical evaluations of state-of-the-art Semantic Web methods; extensive evaluation using existing benchmarks are expected. The papers of this track should follow the scientific method and ensure reproducibility of the reported results by using analytical modelling and statistical methods. Submissions could report on the verification or refutation of already published results, as well as the empirical comparison of state-of-the-art methods.  

Moreover, in the Semantic Web for Science track, submissions presenting domain specific problems that requir e the use of Semantic Web technologies to be solved are expected. Biomedicine, pharmacogenomic, sociology, scholarly, maritime, or journalism are examples of scientific domains.  The introduction of this theme integrates well with and builds upon tracks of Semantic Data Management and Machine Learning, and allows for the submission of research papers where novel solutions for the management and analytics of scientific data are required.

Research Subtracks:
-Vocabularies, Schemas, Ontologies  Chairs:  Sofia Pinto, Christoph Lange
-Reasoning Chairs: Jeff Pan, Diego Calvanese  
-Linked Data Chairs: Hala Skaf-Molli, Jorge Gracia
-Social Web Chairs:  Stefan Dietze, Harald Sack
-Semantic Data Management and Big Data Chairs: Maribel Acosta, Olaf Hartig  
-Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Chairs: John McCrae, Valentina Presutti
-Machine Learning Chairs:  Andreas Hotho, Achim Rettinger
-Mobile Web, Sensors and Semantic Streams Chairs: Themis Palpanas, Intizar Ali
-Services, APIs, Processes and Cloud Computing Chairs: Amrapali Zaveri, Ruben Verborgh

Special Subtracks:
-Benchmarking and Empirical Evaluations Chairs: Oscar Corcho, Emanuele Della Valle
-Semantic Web for Science Chairs: Catia Pesquita, Adrian Paschke


NEXTA 2018

IEEE Workshop on NEXt level of Test Automation

全文截稿: 2018-01-12
开会时间: 2018-04-09
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Vasteras, Sweden
Test automation has been an acknowledged software engineering best practice for years. However, the topic involves more than the repeated execution of test cases that often comes first to mind. Simply running test cases using a unit testing framework is no longer enough for test automation to keep up with the ever-shorter release cycles driven by continuous deployment and technological innovations such as microservices and DevOps pipelines. Now test automation needs to rise to the next level by going beyond mere test execution. The NEXTA workshop will explore how to advance test automation to further contribute to software quality in the context of tomorrow's rapid release cycles. Take-aways for industry practitioners and academic researchers will encompass test case generation, automated test result analysis, test suite assessment and maintenance, and infrastructure for the future of test automation.

NEXTA solicits contributions targeting all aspects of test automation, from initial test design to automated verdict analysis. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Test execution automation
-Test case generation
-Automatic test design generation
-Analytics, learning and big data in relation to test automation
-Automatic aspects management in test, progress, reporting, planning etc.
-Visualization of test
-Evolution of test automation
-Test suite architecture and infrastructure
-Test environment, simulation, and other contextual issues for automated testing
-Test tools, frameworks, and general support for test automation
-Testing in an agile and continuous integration context, and testing within DevOps
-Orchestration of test
-Metrics, benchmarks, and estimation on any type of test automation
-Any type of test technologies relying on automation of test
-Process improvements and assessments related to test automation
-Test automation maturity and experience reports on test automation
-Automatic retrieval of test data and test preparation aspect
-Maintainability, monitoring and refactoring of automated test suites
-Training and education on automated testing
-Automated test for product lines and high-variability systems
-Test automation patterns
-Automated test oracles


WCCI-CD 2018


全文截稿: 2018-01-15
开会时间: 2018-07-08
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

One of the fundamental goals in computational intelligence is to achieve brain-like intelligence, a remarkable property of which is the ability to incrementally learn from noisy and incomplete data, and ability to adapt to changing environments. The special session aims at presenting novel approaches to incremental learning and adaptation to dynamic environments both from the more traditional and theoretical perspective of computational intelligence and from the more practical and application-oriented one.

This Special Session aspires at building a bridge between academic and industrial research, providing a forum for researchers in this area to exchange new ideas with each other, as well as with the rest of the neural network & computational intelligence community.  

The Special Session will be held within the WCCI 2018, Rio de Janeiro in July, 8-13 2018 WCCI website  

Papers must present original work or review the state-of-the-art in the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
-Methods and algorithms for learning in dynamic/non-stationary environments
-Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation
-Incremental learning, lifelong learning, cumulative learning
-Online learning and stream mining algorithms
-Change and covariate-shift adaptation
-Semi-supervised learning methods for nonstationary environments
-Ensemble methods for learning in nonstationary environments
-Learning under concept drift and class imbalance
-Learning recurrent concepts
-Change-detection and anomaly-detection algorithms
-Information-mining algorithms in nonstationary data streams
-Cognitive-inspired approaches for adaptation and learning

Applications that call for learning in dynamic/non-stationary environments, or change/anomaly detection, such as:
-adaptive classifiers for concept drift
-adaptive/Intelligent systems
-fraud detection
-fault detection and diagnosis
-network-intrusion detection and security
-intelligent sensor networks
-time series analysis
-Development of datasets/benchmarks/standards for evaluating algorithms learning in non-stationary/dynamic environments
-Adversarial machine learning


AIAI 2018

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations

全文截稿: 2018-01-20
开会时间: 2018-05-25
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Rhodes, Greece
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Theoretical Advances
-Knowledge Engineering
-Signal Processing Techniques and Knowledge Extraction
-Artificial Intelligence Applications
-Multimedia, Graphics and Artificial Intelligence
-Trends in Computing


AsHES 2018

International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems

全文截稿: 2018-01-24
开会时间: 2018-05-21
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Vancouver, Canada
Current and emerging systems are deployed with heterogeneous architectures and accelerators of more than one type e.g. GPGPU, Intel Xeon Phi, FPGA along with hybrid processors of both lightweight and heavyweight cores (e.g APU, big.LITTLE). Such architectures also comprise of hybrid memory systems equipped with stacked/hierarchical memory and non-volatile memory in addition to regular DRAM. Programming such a system can be a real challenge along with locality, scheduling, load balancing, concurrency and so on.

This workshop focuses on understanding the implications of accelerators and heterogeneous designs on the hardware systems, porting applications, performing compiler optimizations, and developing programming environments for current and emerging systems. It seeks to ground accelerator research through studies of application kernels or whole applications on such systems, as well as tools and libraries that improve the performance and productivity of applications on these systems.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who are involved in application studies for accelerators and other heterogeneous systems, to learn the opportunities and challenges in future design trends for HPC applications and systems.


UCNC 2018

International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation

全文截稿: 2018-01-29
开会时间: 2018-06-25
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Fontainebleau, France
The International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation (UCNC) is a meeting where scientists from many different backgrounds are united in their interest in novel forms of computation, human-designed computation inspired by nature, and computational aspects of natural processes. UCNC provides a forum for such scientists to meet and discuss their work. The 17th UCNC will be hosted by the University of Paris Est Creteil Val de Marne and it will take place at IUT de Fontainebleau, located in the city of Fontainebleau, former residence of French kings situated near Paris.

The conference will be accompanied by 6 satellite workshops. Also, it will be collocated with the  conference MCU 2018.

Papers and poster presentations were sought in all areas that relate to unconventional computation and natural computation. Both theoretical and experimental papers are welcome. Typical, but not exclusive, topics are:
-Molecular (DNA) computing, quantum computing, optical computing, chaos computing, physarum computing, computation in hyperbolic spaces, collision-based computing;
-Cellular automata, neural computation, evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, nature-inspired algorithms, artificial immune systems, artificial life, membrane computing, amorphous computing;
-Computational systems biology, genetic networks, protein-protein networks, transport networks, synthetic biology, cellular (in vivo) computing.


HIPS 2018

International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments

全文截稿: 2018-01-30
开会时间: 2018-05-21
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Vancouver, Canada
The 23nd HIPS workshop, to be held as a full-day meeting on Monday, May 21, 2018 at the IEEE IPDPS 2018 conference in Vancouver, focuses on high-level programming of multi-/manycore systems, accelerators, compute clusters, and massively parallel machines. Like previous workshops in the series, which was established in 1996, this event serves as a forum for research in the areas of parallel applications, language design, compilers, runtime systems, and programming tools. It provides a timely forum for scientists and engineers to present the latest ideas and findings in these rapidly changing fields. In our call for papers, we especially encourage innovative approaches in the areas of emerging programming models for large-scale parallel systems, data-intensive applications, and memory-centric architectures.

Topics of interest to the HIPS workshop include but are not limited to:
-New programming languages and constructs for exploiting parallelism and data locality
-Experience with and improvements for existing parallel languages and run-time environments such as MPI, -OpenMP, Cilk, UPC, Co-array Fortran, X10, Chapel, Charm++, and OpenCL
-Parallel compilers, programming tools, and environments
-OS and architectural support for parallel programming and debugging
-Software and system support for extreme scalability including fault tolerance
-Programming environments for heterogeneous multicore systems and accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs
-Domain specific languages exploring embedded and stand-alone languages, libraries and runtime for focused application areas



ESWC会议旨在寻找语义Web的理论、分析和经验方面的新颖而重要的研究贡献,也鼓励对语义网和其他科学学科交叉领域的研究做出贡献。论文应该描述语义Web上的原始的、有意义的研究,并期望提供一些有原则的评估方法。具体来说,所有的论文都应该包括对论文中描述的方法的评价,也可以提供以下链接的论文:数据集、源代码、查询和其他资源。 官网地址:http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/esws/
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