截止目前,大会邀请到了美国三院院士 John A. Rogers 教授、Takao Someya 教授、英国剑桥大学教授George Malliaras、中科院院士刘明教授等21位国内外顶级专家为大家带来前瞻性学术报告。
本周人物:程文龙(Wenlong Cheng)
澳大利亚莫纳什大学的研究人员采用了一种新的方法检测运动和生命体征,即设计一款具有高度伸缩性、可紧密贴合穿着者皮肤的极度敏感的弹性传感器,成功解决了可穿戴传感器的弯曲和拉伸功能等问题。据悉,该穿戴式传感器可用于生物医学领域。而该研发成果的领导者就是本周我们要介绍的Wenlong Cheng教授。
Wenlong Cheng
Monash University, Australia
程教授的研究兴趣主要包括纳米生物界面问题、DNA纳米技术、纳米抗癌治疗和电子皮肤等。截止目前,程文龙教授已在包括Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Materials、Nature Communication、Advance Materials、Angewandte Chemie International Edition在内的世界著名期刊上发表高水平论文一百余篇,出版多部著作和获得多项专利授权。程文龙教授分别于2003年和2007年获得中科院院长特别奖和全国百篇优秀博士奖。
附Wenlong Cheng英文简介:
Wenlong Cheng is a professor and director of research in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Monash University, Australia. He is also an Ambassador Tech Fellow in Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication. He earned his PhD from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005 and his BS from Jilin University, China in 1999. He held positions in the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics and the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering of Cornell University before joining the Monash University in 2010. His research interest lies at the Nano-Bio Interface, particularly plasmonic nanomaterials, DNA nanotechnology, nanoparticle anticancer theranostics and electronic skins. He has published more than 100 papers including 3 in Nature Nanotechnology, 1 in Nature Materials and 1 in Nature Comm. He is currently the editor for the Elsevier journal-Inorganic Chemistry Communications, and the editorial board members for a few journals including Cell press journal- iScience.
Professor Cheng’s nanobionics research laboratory focuses on the rational design of nanobionic materials system by combining design rules in microelectronic and biological systems. He enables this concept through a highly interdisciplinary research program across chemistry, biology, material science and microelectronic engineering. The main goals of the nanobionics laboratory is to synthesize function high quality nanocrystals and conjugate them with biomolecules; rationally program synthesis of nanobiomaterials; elucidate the fundamental structure-function relationships; develop adaptive nanobioelectronic devices.
His research group is currently investigating:
•Synthesis of high-quality size and shape-controlled metal nanoparticles and their functionalization by biomolecules such as DNA, towards designing exotic smart metamaterials.
•Plasmonic nanoparticles for cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. Isogentic health/tumor cell lines have been successfully used for synthesizing tumor cell-specific DNA aptamers, the aptamer-conjugated gold nanoparticles could target cancel cells and enhance tumor cell killing upon light illumination.
•Nano-enabled wearable biomedical diagnostic tools for monitoring key health information anytime anywhere. Ultrathin gold and copper nanowires have been successfully used to synthesize unique electronic skin materials which were then used to fabricate wearable sensors for real-time monitoring wrist pulses, tendon movement, skin/muscle health, etc.
http://users.monash.edu.au/~wenlongc/ http://users.monash.edu.au/~wenlongc/
2019年7月13-14日,第二届国际柔性电子学术大会将在杭州举行,Wenlong Cheng教授将作为嘉宾出席本次大会,并将在大会上作主题报告。本届大会专注柔性电子的前沿领域,截止目前,除Wenlong Cheng教授外,大会还邀请到了美国三院院士John A. Rogers教授、Takao Someya教授、英国剑桥大学教授George Malliaras、Ming Liu教授等21位国内外顶级专家为大家带来前瞻性学术报告。
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