There are numerous on-line and off-line technical resources about deep learning. Everyday people publish new papers and write new things. However, it is rare to see resources teaching practical concerns for structuring a deep learning projects; from top to bottom, from problem to solution. People know fancy technicalities but even some experienced people feel lost in the details, once they need to structure their own project.
Andrew Ng’s new initiative deeplearning.ai rushes to help at this stage. deeplearning.ai is a collection of courses teaching deep learning with all the necessary details (great place to start deep learning !!) and one of the courses called “Structuring Machine Learning Project” particularly teaches the design of a deep learning solution intuitively with real-life examples. It is not possible to give a single pill ruling the all but this course establishes a good basis to think about a DL project. And apparently, I still have things to learn from Andrew Ng. after all my years of experience. Note that, I also started my ML career with his famous Coursera ML course :). Thank you Mr. Ng.
Below, I try to plot a diagram summarizing what is mentioned in the course. However be aware that it is not a verbatim depiction and probably includes some of my own measures. In the end, It was a good exercise for me, and hopefully, is a good reference for you.
Please go and check the videos, if the diagram does not make sense at all and ping me if you have something that you don’t like.