We propose the term and concept XV (eXtended meta/omni/uni/Verse) as an alternative to, and generalization of, the shared/social virtual reality widely known as ``metaverse''. XV is shared/social XR. We, and many others, use XR (eXtended Reality) as a broad umbrella term and concept to encompass all the other realities, where X is an ``anything'' variable, like in mathematics, to denote any reality, X $\in$ \{physical, virtual, augmented, \ldots \} reality. Therefore XV inherits this generality from XR. We begin with a very simple organized taxonomy of all these realities in terms of two simple building blocks: (1) physical reality (PR) as made of ``atoms'', and (2) virtual reality (VR) as made of ``bits''. Next we introduce XV as combining all these realities with extended society as a three-dimensional space and taxonomy of (1) ``atoms'' (physical reality), (2) ``bits'' (virtuality), and (3) ``genes'' (sociality). Thus those working in the liminal space between Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), metaverse, and their various extensions, can describe their work and research as existing in the new field of XV. XV includes the metaverse along with extensions of reality itself like shared seeing in the infrared, ultraviolet, and shared seeing of electromagnetic radio waves, sound waves, and electric currents in motors. For example, workers in a mechanical room can look at a pump and see a superimposed time-varying waveform of the actual rotating magnetic field inside its motor, in real time, while sharing this vision across multiple sites. Presented at IEEE Standards Association, Behind and Beyond the Metaverse: XV (eXtended meta/uni/Verse), Thurs. Dec. 8, 2022, 2:15-3:30pm, EST.
翻译:我们提议将第十五个术语和概念(Oxtime/omni/uni/Verse)作为一个替代和概括的替代/社会虚拟共享/社会虚拟现实,该共享/社会虚拟现实被广泛称为“元数据”。 十五是共享/社会XR。 我们和许多其他人将XR(extime Reality)作为一个宽泛的总括术语和概念,以涵盖所有其他现实,其中X是一个“任何变量”,如数学中的变量,以表示任何现实,X$@in$_alifical、虚拟、扩充、aldots_现实。因此,十五继承了XR.R.的这种共享/社会虚拟现实。 我们从一个非常简单的组织化的分类学角度开始,以两个简单的建筑块来:1)物理现实(eXdeal Retural ) 以“atimation ” 和“Vrentirealalalalal”的当前现实。 我们接下来将15个实例结合所有这些现实和扩展的社会,作为共享的三维基空间/历史(物理现实)、 20(alal-liversalal) 时间、正变变数(al (3)),在现实中,在现实中(iralalal-ralalalalal),在现实中,在现实中可以看到xalxalxalalal-hialalalalal-hial-hial),在现实中,在现实中看到),在现实中,在现实中,在现实中,在现实中,在现实中,在现实中,在现实中看到(可以看到。