Research testbed fabrics have potential to support long-lived, evolving, interdomain experiments, including opt-in application traffic across multiple campuses and edge sites. We propose abstractions and security infrastructure to facilitate multi-domain networking, and a reusable controller toolkit (ExoPlex) for network service providers (NSPs) running in testbed-hosted virtual network slices. We demonstrate the idea on the ExoGENI testbed, which allows slices to interconnect and exchange traffic over peering links by mutual consent. Each ExoPlex NSP runs a peering controller that manages its interactions with its linked peers and controls the NSP's dataplane network via SDN. Our approach expresses policies for secure peering and routing in a declarative language---logical peering. The prototype uses logic rules to verify IP prefix ownership, filter and validate route advertisements, and implement user-specified policies for connectivity and path control in networks with multiple transit NSPs.
翻译:我们提出抽象和安全基础设施,以促进多域联网,并为网络服务提供商提供可重复使用的控制器工具包(ExoPlex),用于在测试平台托管虚拟网络切片中运行的网络服务供应商(NSPs),我们在ExoGENI测试底盘上展示了这种想法,允许切片经相互同意在对等链接上相互连接和交流通信。每个Expolex NSP都设有一个同行控制器,负责管理其与与其关联的同行的互动,并通过SDN控制NSP的数据平面网络。我们的方法表达了在宣示性语言-逻辑对等中确保对等和定线的政策。原型使用逻辑规则来核查IP的前缀所有权、过滤和验证路径广告,并在与多个中转式 NSP的网络中执行用户指定的连接和路径控制政策。