Availability of challenging benchmarks is the key to advancement of AI in a specific field.Since Legal Text is significantly different than normal English text, there is a need to create separate Natural Language Processing benchmarks for Indian Legal Text which are challenging and focus on tasks specific to Legal Systems. This will spur innovation in applications of Natural language Processing for Indian Legal Text and will benefit AI community and Legal fraternity. We review the existing work in this area and propose ideas to create new benchmarks for Indian Legal Natural Language Processing.
翻译:具有挑战性的基准的可得性是具体领域推进AI的关键。 由于法律文本与正常的英文文本大不相同,有必要为印度法律文本制定单独的自然语言处理基准,这些基准具有挑战性,并侧重于法律系统的具体任务,这将推动在应用自然语言处理印度法律文本方面的创新,并将有益于AI社区和法律界。我们审查该领域的现有工作,并提出为印度法律自然语言处理制定新基准的想法。