Oblivious data processing has been an on and off topic for the last decade or so. It provides great opportunities for secure data management and processing, especially in the cloud. At the same time, modern computing resources seem to be affordable enough to allow for practical use of homomorphic cryptography. Yet, the availability of products that offer practical homomorphic data processing is extremely scarce. As part of a project aimed at developing a practical homomorphic data management platform, we have conducted an extensive study of homomorphic cryptosystems' performance, the results of which are presented in this work. For this work we chose the following five cryptosystems: fully homomorphic HElib and SEAL, somewhat fully homomorphic PyAono, and partially homomorphic Paillier and ElGamal. In the discussion of the aggregated results, we suggest that partially homomorphic cryptosystems could be used today in certain practical applications, whereas time has not yet come for the fully homomorphic ones.
翻译:过去十年左右,显而易见的数据处理一直是一个议题和主题。 它为安全的数据管理和处理提供了巨大的机会,特别是在云层中。 与此同时,现代计算资源似乎足够负担得起,可以实际使用同质式加密。然而,提供实际同质式数据处理的产品极为稀少。作为旨在开发一个实用的同质式数据管理平台的项目的一部分,我们对同质式密码系统的性能进行了广泛的研究,其结果在这项工作中作了介绍。对于这项工作,我们选择了以下五个加密系统:完全同质式的Helib和SEAL,有点完全同质式的PyAono,部分同质式的Paillier和ElGamal。在讨论总的结果时,我们建议,部分同质式加密系统今天可以在某些实际应用中使用,而完全同质式的系统还没有到时间。