P2P IPTV applications arise on the Internet and will be massively used in the future. It is expected that P2P IPTV will contribute to increase the overall Internet traffic. In this context, it is important to measure the impact of P2P IPTV on the networks and to characterize this traffic. Dur- ing the 2006 FIFA World Cup, we performed an extensive measurement campaign. We measured network traffic generated by broadcasting soc- cer games by the most popular P2P IPTV applications, namely PPLive, PPStream, SOPCast and TVAnts. From the collected data, we charac- terized the P2P IPTV traffic structure at different time scales by using wavelet based transform method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work, which presents a complete multiscale analysis of the P2P IPTV traffic. Our results show that the scaling properties of the TCP traffic present periodic behavior whereas the UDP traffic is stationary and lead to long- range depedency characteristics. For all the applications, the download traffic has different characteristics than the upload traffic. The signaling traffic has a significant impact on the download traffic but it has negligible impact on the upload. Both sides of the traffic and its granularity has to be taken into account to design accurate P2P IPTV traffic models.
翻译:P2P P2P IPTV 应用在互联网上产生并在未来将大量使用。 P2P IPTV 应用预计将有助于增加整个互联网流量。 在这方面,重要的是要测量P2P IPTV对网络的影响,并确定这种流量的特点。 2006年国际足联世界杯的Dur-Dur-我们进行了广泛的测量运动。我们测量了通过最受欢迎的P2P IPTV 应用P2P 播送 soc-cer游戏产生的网络流量,这些应用是PPPPPtstream、SOPAST和TVAnts。从收集到的数据中,我们用基于波盘的变换方法将P2 P2 IP IP TV 传输结构在不同时间尺度上变换。我们最了解的是,这是第一次对P2P IPTV 流量进行全面多级分析的工作。我们的结果显示,TCP 流量的缩放特性是定期的行为,而UDP 流量是固定的,导致长程速度特征。对于所有应用来说,下载流量的特性与上传的流量有不同特性。 信号对P2 上传的流量的精确性对P2 上传影响是可忽略。 上流到P 上层的精确的上传的波波影响。