Operational processes in production, logistics, material handling, maintenance, etc., are supported by cyber-physical systems combining hardware and software components. As a result, the digital and the physical world are closely aligned, and it is possible to track operational processes in detail (e.g., using sensors). The abundance of event data generated by today's operational processes provides opportunities and challenges for process mining techniques supporting process discovery, performance analysis, and conformance checking. Using existing process mining tools, it is already possible to automatically discover process models and uncover performance and compliance problems. In the DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence "Internet of Production" (IoP), process mining is used to create "digital shadows" to improve a wide variety of operational processes. However, operational processes are dynamic, distributed, and complex. Driven by the challenges identified in the IoP cluster, we work on novel techniques for comparative process mining (comparing process variants for different products at different locations at different times), object-centric process mining (to handle processes involving different types of objects that interact), and forward-looking process mining (to explore "What if?" questions). By addressing these challenges, we aim to develop valuable "digital shadows" that can be used to remove operational friction.
翻译:生产、物流、材料处理、维护等操作过程的丰富事件数据为支持过程发现、绩效分析和合规性检查提供了机遇和挑战。利用现有过程采矿工具,已经有可能自动发现过程模型并发现业绩和合规问题。在由DFG资助的英才“生产互联网”集群(IoP)中,进程采矿被用来创造“数字阴影”以改善广泛的操作过程。然而,操作过程是动态的、分布的和复杂的。受IoP集群所查明的挑战驱动,我们致力于比较过程采矿的新技术(比较不同时间不同地点不同产品的程序变异)、目标中心进程采矿(处理不同类型相互影响的物体的流程)以及前瞻性进程采矿(探索“如果存在问题,那是什么? ” )。通过应对这些挑战,我们的目标是开发宝贵的数字式的“行动摩擦 ” 。我们的目标是,通过解决这些挑战,我们的目标是开发宝贵的数字式的“行动摩擦 ” 。