In this paper, we develop RCC, the first unified and comprehensive RDMA-enabled distributed transaction processing framework supporting six serializable concurrency control protocols: not only the classical protocols NOWAIT, WAITDIE, and OCC, but also more advanced MVCC and SUNDIAL, and even CALVIN, the deterministic concurrency control protocol. Our goal is to unbiasedly compare the protocols in a common execution environment with the concurrency control protocol being the only changeable component. We focus on the correct and efficient implementation using key techniques, such as co-routines, outstanding requests, and doorbell batching, with two-sided and one-sided communication primitives. Based on RCC, we get the deep insights that cannot be obtained by any existing systems. Most importantly, we obtain the execution stage latency breakdowns with one-sided and two-sided primitive for each protocol, which are analyzed to develop more efficient hybrid implementations. Our results show that three hybrid designs are indeed better than both one-sided and two-sided implementations by up to 17.8%. We believe that RCC is a significant advance over the state-of-the-art; it can both provide performance insights and be used as the common infrastructure for fast prototyping new implementations.