项目名称: 近空间高速飞行器动稳定性研究
项目编号: No.91216203
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 赵忠良
作者单位: 中国空气动力研究与发展中心
项目金额: 350万元
中文摘要: 近空间高升阻比构型飞行器面临十分严重的动稳定性问题,对机动飞行过程中的飞行安全和操纵控制带来了严峻挑战。所以,建立完整的稳定性分析理论和验证方法非常必要。本项目直接面向近空间超声速飞行器研制需求,发展基于非线性动力学的多自由度稳定性分析方法,建立气动/飞行力学耦合一体化计算方法和计算软件,以及高速风洞强迫俯仰/自由滚转双自由度试验技术。针对典型近空间飞行器开展动稳定性研究,给出稳定性判据,采用气动/飞行力学耦合一体化数值模拟研究失稳的流动机理,并通过风洞试验进行考核验证,对近空间超声速飞行器多自由度耦合失稳问题形成有效的理论分析方法,为我国近空间超声速飞行器研制提供必要的技术储备。
中文关键词: 近空间飞行器;耦合;动稳定性;数值计算;风洞试验
英文摘要: Nearcraft with high lift-to-drag ratio has very serious problem of dynamic stability, which challenges its flight safety and control during maneuvering. This induces a strong demand to establish a comprehensive stability anlysis theory and corresponding validation method for nearcraft. To satisify this increasing development demand of nearcraft, this projest aims to develop stability analysis method for multiple degree-of-freedom motions based on nonlinear dynamics, establish the coupling computational method between aerodyanmics and flight mechanics and corresponding software, and develop the forced-pitching and free-to-roll test techniques in high speed wind tunnel. Then, the stability characteristics for a classic nearcraft will be researched, including the stability criterion through nonlinear dynamic anlysis, the flow mechanism in unstable motion through aerodyanmic and flight mechanic coupling computations and the corresponding validation tests in wind tunnel. Finally, an effective theoretical analysis method will be established for coupling instability of multiple degree-of-freedom motion for supersonic nearcarft, accumulating necesaary techniques for the development of supersonic nearcarft of our country.
英文关键词: Nearcraft;Coupling;Dynamic stability;CFD;Wnd tunnel test