项目名称: 电场与磁场作用下降低再入段电波损耗的机理与方法
项目编号: No.61201014
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 李伟
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目主要应用外加电场与磁场的方法降低再入段急剧增加的电波损耗,并对电波损耗的降低机理进行研究。再入过程中产生的等离子体是引起电波损耗剧增,甚至导致通信中断的主要原因。首先建立外加电场与磁场条件下再入等离子体中电磁波传播与天线特性的计算模型,研究不同方式入射的电磁波反射与吸收特性,分析等离子体中天线的阻抗、近场与远场特性。然后建立外加电极与磁场线圈时的电波传播仿真环境,对降低电波损耗所需的最小电场强度与磁感应强度进行分析,提出适合于实际应用的电场与磁场分布。该项目的研究不仅对等离子体中的电磁波传播与天线特性研究具有重要的科学意义,而且对于保障高速飞行器的测控通信具有重要的理论与实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 电波损耗;电磁波传播;天线特性;等离子体;
英文摘要: This project mainly uses the method of applying electric field and magnetic field to mitigate the electromagnetic attenuation which increase rapidly in reentry stage, and do the research on the decreasing mechanism of electromagnetic attenuation. The reentry plasma is a main cause of electromagnetic attenuation rapid augment so much as the communication blackout occurrence. The calculation model of electromagnetic wave propagation and antenna characteristic in reentry plasma is proposed,the absorption and reflection characteristic of electromagnetic wave on different incidence mode is researched, and the impedance characteristic、near field and radiation characteristic of antennae in plasma are simulated and analyzed. The electromagnetic wave propagation simulation model applying electrode and magnetic coil is proposed,and the electric field intensity and magnetic induction intensity is analyzed. The electric field and magnetic field distribution is proposed for reentry. This project is important not only for the research of electromagnetic wave propagation and antenna characteristic in plasma, but also for the communication protection of high speed spacecraft.
英文关键词: electromagnetic wave attenuation;electromagnetic wave propagation;antenna characteristic;plasma;