项目名称: 离子液体溶液物理化学性质的实验测定和半经验估算
项目编号: No.21273003
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 佟静
作者单位: 辽宁大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 离子液体(IL)是新型功能材料和绿色溶剂,受到人们的广泛关注。本项目是正在承担的青年基金项目的继续和发展,将我们的实验和理论研究从离子液体溶液的静态性质延伸到迁移性质。其研究内容包括:1.合成更多新的IL;2.精确测量这些IL溶液的物理化学性质;3.用本课题组提出的离子等张比容半经验方法估算IL溶液的热力学性质;4.在Eyring粘度理论的基础上,提出了无量纲粘度比容和粘度活化系数新概念,并借助这些概念用半经验的方法估算IL溶液的粘度,并与实验数据和文献数据比较,判断这种方法的可靠性;5. 将溶液的电导理论与无量纲粘度比容和粘度活化系数相结合,建立估算IL溶液电导的半经验方法。总之,从理论和实验两个方面探索离子液体溶液的热力学性质和迁移性质变化的规律。其研究成果不仅适用于IL溶液,也将适用于其它电解质溶液体系;不仅丰富了溶液化学研究内容,也将促进离子液体研究及其应用的进一步发展。
中文关键词: 离子液体;热力学性质;电解质溶液理论;等张比容;摩尔表面吉布斯自由能
英文摘要: Ionic liquid (IL) is a new-type functional material and green solvent, and has attracted widespread concern. This project is the prolongation and progress of the current youth fund project that we are committing, and will extend our experimental and theoretical researches from the static state property of the IL to the transport property. The contents of the research include: 1. The synthesis of more new ILs; 2. Accurate measurement of the physico-chemistry properties of the IL solutions; 3. Using the semiempirical estimation method of the ion parachor, we proposed to estimate the thermodynamic properties of the IL solutions; 4. Based on the viscosity theory of Eyring, we proposed the new concepts of the dimensionless viscosity parachor and the viscosity activation coefficient. Using the semiempirical estimation method with these concepts, we will estimate the viscosity of the IL solutions, and compare with our experimental data and literature data, then judge the reliability of this method; 5. Combining the conductivity theory, the dimensionless viscosity parachor and the viscosity activation coefficient, we will establish the semiempirical method to estimate the conductance of the IL solutions. Above all, our work is to explore the change regularity of the thermodynamic properties and the transport properties
英文关键词: ionic liquid;thermodynamic property;electrolyte solution theory;parachor;molar surface Gibbs free energy