项目名称: 基于同/异质复合结构纳米材料的表面等离子共振和光电化学传感研究
项目编号: No.21475092
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 狄俊伟
作者单位: 苏州大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 纳米复合材料是一种具有更高层次的纳米结构材料,既可展现出与单一组成相关的性质,又可以产生因材料间协同或耦合作用而得到的一些新性质和新功效,具有更宽的性质调控范围及更广的应用前景。本项目设计和制备金属复合纳米结构(如银核金壳)材料,既可体现各组分的优点,又可大幅提高其局域表面等离子共振(LSPR)传感灵敏度,发展高性能LSPR传感基元。设计和制备金属(如金和银)-半导体异质结构复合纳米材料,其中半导体(如镉、锌的硫或硒化物)为单组分、合金或核壳结构纳米材料,调控半导体纳米材料的能带间隙及物化性质,研究半导体与金属纳米LSPR的耦合作用及对其光电化学(PEC)过程的影响和作用机理,为调控半导体纳米材料的PEC过程提供一种新的有效途径,提高半导体纳米材料的PEC转化效率,寻找高效的PEC传感基元。将LSPR和PEC传感基元与免疫反应的高特异性相结合,研制高效的LSPR和PEC免疫传感分析方法。
中文关键词: 生物传感;复合纳米材料;表面等离子体共振;光电化学
英文摘要: Hybrid nanomaterials are one kind of advanced nanostructure materials, which often exhibits not only the properties of original compositions, but also some new properties and functions due to their synergistic effect or coupling effect. This can provide a wider range of property modulation and more potential applications than that of single composition nanoparticles. In this project we will design and synthesize hybrid metal nanostructure (such as silver-core and gold-shell) materials. They display advantages of their original composition, as well as great enhancement of the sensing sensitivity in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). It can be used to development of excellent LSPR sensing platform. Moreover, we will design and synthesize hybrid metal (for example, gold and silver)-semiconductor heterogeneous nanostructure materials. The semiconductors include single semiconductor, alloyed semiconductors, or core-shell nanostructure materials of cadmium/znic sulfide/selenide et al., which modulates the band gap and the physical and chemical properties of the semiconductor nanostructure materials. The coupling effect between semiconductor nanomaterials and LSPR of the metal nanoparticles will be investigated systematically, and the effect on the photoelectrochemical (PEC) process and its mechanism will also be investigated. This will provide a new valuable method for modulation of PEC process of semiconductor nanomaterials and enhance the transform efficiency of semiconductor nanomaterials in PEC process. An excellent of PEC sensing platform would be developed. Furthermore, the LSPR and PEC sensing platforms can be easily combined with immunoreactions for development of good LSPR and PEC immunoassay methods.
英文关键词: biosensing;hybrid nanomaterials;locolized surface plasmon resonance;photoelectrochemistry