项目名称: 基于时空一致性的CPS系统行为协同建模方法研究
项目编号: No.61472327
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 杨刚
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 信息-物理融合系统(CPS)具有计算、通信、控制(3C)的联合动态性,计算过程与物理过程的多尺度融合性,系统所处环境及其运行状态的时空交互性以及系统动态行为的非确定性,使得传统计算系统的模型化设计方法难以适应信息-物理融合系统需求与特点,其面临模型构建及其实现方法的新挑战。本项目重点研究CPS系统行为建模的基本问题与关键方法,包括适应CPS的统一时空建模方法、多异构模型时空一致约束交互机制以及系统行为多模型协同建模方法。基于PTL和S4u的混合时空逻辑,提出CPS系统时空特性统一建模方法;采用计算域、控制与物理域多域联合建模方法及参数约束异构行为分析,实现多行为模型的协同建模。并结合无人机自主导航系统典型实例进行有效性验证,项目成果可为信息-物理融合应用系统设计提供方法和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 信息-物理系统;行为模型;时空特征模型;协同建模
英文摘要: As Cyber-physical System (CPS) has been characterized as a very special kind of embedded computing systems by the joint dynamics among computation, communication and control, multi-scale fusion between the computation process and physical process, spatio-temporal interaction of the internally running state and the physical context, and the non-determinism of the system behaviors, the design methods for the traditional embedded computing system are inadequate and difficult to adapt to the requirements of modeling, analyzing, and building CPS applications. This project focus on the basic problems and key technologies of behavior modeling for CPSs, covering a generic modeling method with unified spatial and temporal information, the interact mechanism for CPS heterogeneous model with spatio-temporal consistency constraint, and the CPS behavior modeling method build upon multi-model coordination theory. The multi-domain (in computation, control and physical domain) integration modeling method and the heterogeneous model behavior analysis with parameter constrain are used to implement the multi behavior models collaboratively modeling. UAV autonomous navigation system, one of typical CPS applications, will be used to verify the effectiveness of these modeling methods. The project result could support CPS application systems design and verification.
英文关键词: CPS;Behavioral Model;Spatio-temporal Model;Co-Modeling