项目名称: 直流母线上无辅助开关的谐振直流环节软开关逆变器的研究
项目编号: No.51207069
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电气科学与工程学科
项目作者: 王强
作者单位: 辽宁石油化工大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 谐振直流环节逆变器的直流母线上通常设置了一个辅助开关器件,制约了其效率提高,这也是其在高功率领域应用推广不多的原因之一。为解决这一问题,本项目提出了一种新型谐振直流环节软开关逆变器拓扑结构,其直流母线上没串联辅助开关器件和谐振元件,有助于降低辅助谐振电路的损耗和提高效率。主要研究内容包括:采用相平面分析法来研究拓扑结构的动力学行为、软开关条件以及设计规则,并建立起辅助谐振电路损耗的目标函数,设计最优谐振元件参数值使损耗的目标函数取最小值,实现效率优化;建立分压电容的电压偏差量的数学模型,探索降低分压电容电压偏差量的方法,来减小逆变器中性点电位的变化,保证电路的正常工作;研究适合于谐振直流环节逆变器的空间矢量脉宽控制方法,使每个开关周期只需要一次辅助谐振电路的谐振,实现逆变器的三个桥臂的开关管的零电压开关。通过以上研究,来降低辅助谐振电路的能耗,为保障电能高效利用提供关键理论与技术支持。
中文关键词: 电力变换;软开关;谐振直流环节;能量优化;空间矢量脉宽调制
英文摘要: One auxiliary switch is usually set on the DC bus of resonant DC link inverter, which restricts efficiency improvement. That is also one reason why resonant DC link inverter is not applied in the high-power field. To solve the problem, this project proposes a novel topology of resonant DC link soft-switching inverter. Auxiliary switches and resonant elements are not on the DC bus of the novel topology, which is helpful to reduce loss of auxiliary resonant circuit and improve efficiency. The main research contents include: The phase-plane analysis technique is established for the novel resonant DC link inverter in order to study transient dynamics, soft-switching condition and design rule. Objective function of auxiliary resonant circuit loss is established to realize efficiency optimization, by designing optimum parameters of resonant elements which makes objective function take minimum value; The mathematical model for voltage deviation of voltage dividing capacitors is established to explore the method of reducing voltage deviation, which can overcome change of neutral point potential and ensure normal operation of the circuit; Space vector pulse width modulation which is suitable for resonant DC link inverter is studied in order that six switches of a three-phase inverter can be turned on under the ZVS condit
英文关键词: power conversion;soft-switching;resonant DC link;energy optimization;space vector pulse width modulation