项目名称: 高通量网络仿真的弹性调度模型与方法研究
项目编号: No.61202058
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 林思明
作者单位: 中国科学院计算技术研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着网络技术的发展,网络规模不断扩大、网络新技术与新应用日益涌现、网络安全问题日益凸显,已使得传统的网络实验技术无法满足当前各类网络系统、协议及网络行为的研究、验证需求。不妨把新兴网络应用和网络安全研究等对大规模、高吞吐率、异构接入以及多用户交互能力的实验需求统称为对高通量网络仿真的需求。由于当前的大部分网络实验方法都无法完全满足这一需求,因此当前对网络新技术和网络安全的研究只能基于现有网络实验技术进行有限的扩展和改进,效率低、适应性差。因此,深入、系统的研究支持高通量网络交互仿真的关键调度机制与算法,具有重要的研究意义和实用价值。在此背景下,我们提出面向高通量网络仿真的弹性调度机制研究,它将流量仿真与离散事件模拟技术有机结合,尝试从流量、时间、空间三个维度提高网络仿真系统对计算负载的适应性处理能力。
中文关键词: 网络仿真;时间膨胀;仿真真实度;负载迁移;
英文摘要: In recent years, as the rapid improvements of computer network techniques, the scale of network continues to expand, new network protocols, systems and applications emerge increasingly, and network security issues become more serious, coming with the problem that the traditional technologies for network testing and assessment cannot meet the requirements of further study in the field of new network protocols, architectures and network behaviors etc. In fact, the researchers and developers of such new network technologies and applications usually wish their network emulation tools simultaneously support many characteristics, such as large scale topologies, heavy network traffic, heterogeneous equipments interconnecting, and multi-user interactivity, which can be summarized as high-throughput network emulation. But most existing network simulation (or emulation) technologies cannot implement all the characteristics mentioned above, which makes the study of new network technology and the network security in low efficiency and poor adaptability, for its limited extension and improvement basing on the existing testing technology. So the in-depth research of key scheduling mechanism and algorithm, which support high-throughput network emulation, owns important significance and practical value. In this context, we put
英文关键词: Network Emulation;Time Dilation;Emulation Fidelity;Load Migration;