项目名称: 利用原位点击化学构建蛋白质印迹识别界面
项目编号: No.21204009
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 高分子科学
项目作者: 任军
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 分子印迹是人工合成具有分子识别能力功能高分子材料的重要途径。成功实现蛋白质分子印迹将会对生物分离、分析传感、生物医学等多个领域产生深远影响。印迹前蛋白质模板结构变形,导致印迹产物选择性不够理想是目前该领域面临的主要问题。本研究提出功能化分子刷在模板蛋白诱导下通过点击化学原位交联成形的印迹策略。其潜在的优势在于点击化学能够提供比自由基聚合更加温和的水相反应环境,而分子刷预聚物的存在可以显著降低印迹反应物浓度,从而克服环境诱导的模板结构变化,提高印迹识别位点的保真度。本项目将基于分子刷预聚物原位点击交联的策略,建立蛋白质分子印迹设计原理和技术体系;阐明分子刷和交联剂对印迹聚合物识别界面的结构调节机制;实现对人免疫球蛋白等大分子量蛋白质的有效印迹。本项目的成功实施有望将基于原位点击化学的多元交联方法扩充到印迹化学的工具箱中,为大分子量蛋白质印迹提供了一个新的思路。
中文关键词: 分子印迹;蛋白质;点击化学;交联;生物分离
英文摘要: Molecular imprinting technology is important in preparing functional materials with the ability for molecular recognition. Successful imprinting of proteins would be of great significance in several areas, including bioseparation, biosensing and biomedical engineering. To date, protein imprinting being lack of success is primarily due to harsh reaction system that would alter template conformation prior to polymerization. The current project proposes a click chemistry-based imprinting strategy, by which surface-initiated functional polymer brushes are employed as structural basis. When the polymer brushes go through template-induced assembly in the presence of a target protein, the reaction of in situ crosslinking is carried out to fix their spatial structure. This strategy takes advantage of the moderate conditions of click chemistry-based crosslinking reaction that has proven less destructive for the conformation of proteins. This project aims to establish protein imprinting technique based on the above conception, and clarify the roles of polymer brushes and cross linkers in controlling the structure of imprinting recognition interface. With the established procedure, proteins of large molecule mass, such as human immunoglobulin, are planned to be employed as template for imprinting. This work is anticipated
英文关键词: molecule imprinting;protein;click chemistry;crosslink;bioseparation