项目名称: 多尺度纳米复合炭基杂化材料的可控组装及其气敏性能研究
项目编号: No.51202092
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无机非金属材料学科
项目作者: 贾晓华
作者单位: 江苏大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 工业生产、家庭安全、环境监测和医疗等领域对气体传感器的精度、选择性、稳定性方面的要求越来越高,因此对高性能的气体传感器材料的研究和开发也越来越重要。本项目拟围绕纳米复合炭基杂化材料控制合成、组装及其在气敏领域的应用展开工作,在优化纳米复合炭基杂化材料合成工艺条件的基础上,通过对不同维度的碳纳米管和石墨烯进行组装形成杂化结构,同时将碳纳米管/石墨烯杂化材料与金属氧化物或硫化物等纳米晶复合制备三元异质结构;利用多尺度纳米复合炭基杂化材料具有高的表面积、多的活性点和反应通道的优势来改善气体传感器的灵敏度、选择性和稳定性;并在此基础上,研究纳米复合炭基杂化材料的形貌、表面结构与气敏性能之间的关系,深入阐明气体传感过程的微观机制及影响因素;在充分发挥纳米复合炭基杂化材料自身性能的基础上,开发高灵敏度、高选择性、高稳定性的优质气体传感器。
中文关键词: 碳基复合材料;气体传感器;控制制备;杂化材料;
英文摘要: With the increasing need for high-performance gas sensor in industrial production, home security, environmental monitoring and medicine and so on, there are an uprising of research and development activities of gas sensors.The project aims to investigate the controlled synthesis,assembly of nano carbon composite materials and their application in gas sensors. On the basis of optimal synthetic conditions of nano-composite carbon-based hybrid materials, the project is focused on the in situ synthesis of carbon nanotube / graphene-metal oxide nanocrystal and carbon nanotube / graphene graphene-metal sulfide nanocrystal ternary heterostructures. Multi-scale composite carbon-based hybrid materials have high surface area, more active sites and reaction pathways, which helps improve sensitivity, selectivity and stability of gas sensors. On this basis, the project further studies the relationship between morphology, surface structure and gas sensing properties in order to clarify the microscopic mechanism of gas-sensing process and to understand influencing factors.The project provides an opportunity to fully utilize unique properties of carbon-based nanocomposites and to develop novel gas-sensing materials with high sensitivity, selectivity, good stability, fast response and recovery, as well as low energy consumption.
英文关键词: carbon nanocomposites;gas sensor;control synthesis;Hybrid materials;