项目名称: 分布式网络中基于纠删编码的存储机制及其优化
项目编号: No.61201234
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 徐光平
作者单位: 天津理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着网络和通信技术的发展,以互联网络为支撑的分布式存储系统具有广阔的前景和发展空间,例如对等存储、云存储等。这与传统的数据存储模式不同,网络的分布性、动态性和异构性导致数据存储难以处于理想可用的状态,这亟需高可靠、高可用和高性能的数据存储策略。为此,基于纠删编码的数据存储成为当前倍受关注的研究方向。 本项目在认识分布式网络特性的基础上,根据多种纠删编码的容错特性,综合考虑存储空间开销、网络带宽消耗、数据访问模式以及数据存储的可靠性等因素,研究可靠高效的数据编码存储机制及其优化。主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)通过对具有良好特性的编码扩展,研究适应网络特点和存储需求的编码构造;(2)研究在多种约束条件下的编码数据的优化布局;(3)研究高性能编码数据重构的调度算法;(4)设计原型系统进行验证和评价。本项目有望丰富多容错纠删编码的理论研究,而且有望为布式网络存储提供创新技术支持。
中文关键词: 分布式存储系统;纠删编码;数据修复;可靠性;可扩展性
英文摘要: With the development of networks and communication techniques, distributed storage systems, supported with the infrastructure of the Internet, have broad prospects and potential spaces, such as peer-to-peer storage, cloud storage, etc. Different from the traditional storage model, the decentralization, dynamics and heterogeneity of the networks bring a challenge to keep stored data in the ideal available state, which is an obstacle for these storage systems in practice. It needs to investigate the storage schemes of high reliability, high availability and high performance. Therefore, the erasure-coding based storage mechanism, as one of the research directions, has been drawn more attentions in academic. To design reliable and efficient distributed storage systems, we plan to study and optimize the erasure-coding based storage mechanism based on the awareness of network characteristics. We will consider multiple practical constraints to examine the optimal erasure-coding storage problems in the whole storage process, such as the storage space costs, network bandwidth overheads, the data access model, the expected storage reliability and some others. The research work mainly includes the following aspects. First, The optimal erasure codes which are adative to network features and coincided with the storage dema
英文关键词: distributed storage systems;erasure codes;data repair;reliability;scalibility