项目名称: 情境感知云计算工作流的动态服务选择研究
项目编号: No.61300232
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 范晓亮
作者单位: 兰州大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 工作流技术已广泛存在于不同领域的科学计算中,为科学计算流程提供了一种通用的设计手段。近年来,为满足日益增长的科学计算需要,利用云平台实现工作流的动态服务选择已逐渐得到关注。现有工作主要关注服务质量约束,而忽略了科学计算本身的特点和面向用户信息的收集,导致无法满足特定用户的需求。针对上述问题,本项目拟在云计算工作流中引入情境约束,在确保工作流顺利执行的前提下,首先以提高工作流的服务选择效率为目标,研究适用于云计算环境的工作流动态服务选择的理论模型。其次,通过整合情境约束和服务质量约束,提出可满足用户多元期望的云计算工作流服务选择算法。再次,通过结合传统工作流服务选择策略,实现以云服务、数据集和参数的智能选择为目标的工作流模型自动生成器。最终,通过生物信息学示范应用验证云计算工作流系统。本项目的研究工作将为云环境中工作流服务选择研究提供切实有效的解决方案,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
中文关键词: 云计算;服务计算;服务推荐;情境感知;工作流
英文摘要: Workflow technology has widely existed in various domains of scientific computing, which provide a common method for designing the scientific computing process. Recently, for the sake of meeting the increasing requirement of the scientific computing, the issue of dynamic service selection in cloud workflow system has been widely acknowledged. However, previous works simply focus on the Quality of Service, which ignoring the characteristics of scientific computing as well as the collection of user-oriented information, which results in the failure of satisfying with the requirement of specific users. To solve those problems, firstly we introduce the context constraints in cloud workflow system and aim to enhance the effectiveness of service selection by researching on the theory of dynamic service selection in cloud workflow environment. Secondly, the service selection algorithm on cloud is proposed to satisfy user's multi-criterion expectation, by combining the context constraints with the quality of service constraints. Furthermore, the automatic workflow model generator is developed to realize the intelligent selection of cloud services, datasets and service parameters, combining with the well-known and traditional methodology in service selection. Finally, we evaluate the cloud workflow system by a case study
英文关键词: cloud computing;services computing;services recommendation;context awareness;workflow