项目名称: 保证信息质量的绿色物联网能耗管理技术研究
项目编号: No.61300179
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 刘驰
作者单位: 北京理工大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 本研究旨在提出一种在多任务绿色物联网环境中的高效能耗管理平台和算法,优化传感设备工作状态、保证物联网应用和服务的多元信息质量。与以往相关研究不同的是,本研究将关注物联网中间件层算法,兼容异构网络通信协议和多种上层应用。研究将从理论层面描述传感设备所提供的感知能力与感知任务的多元信息质量需求之间的关联关系,提出保障信息质量的"传感设备-感知任务"关联度概念和模型。研究将提出物联网"关键服务集"的概念,用以选择服务于特定感知任务的传感设备集合。基于以上理论建模,研究将设计绿色物联网能耗管理平台及核心算法,实时优化传感设备的工作状态,最大化全网能量资源利用率,进而通过理论建模分析由于能耗控制信号传输和处理延迟对该绿色物联网系统的影响。为了验证所提出理论和算法的有效性,本研究将不仅通过完整的计算机仿真实验评估系统理论性能,并且通过智慧校园试点部署验证提出的绿色物联网能耗管理平台和算法。
中文关键词: 物联网;能耗管理;;;
英文摘要: Considering physical sensors with certain sensing capabilities in an Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensory environment, in this research, we aim to investigate an efficient energy management framework to control the duty cycles of these sensors under the quality-of-information (QoI) expectations in a multi-task-oriented IoT sensory environment. Contrary to all past research efforts, the design goal of our proposal is to be transparent and compatible both with the underlying low-layer communications/networking protocols and up-running diverse applications (potentially) in multiple IoT domains, and more importantly preserving energy-efficiency in the long run without sacrificing the QoI levels attained. Specifically, in this research we aim to investigate a novel concept of QoI-aware "sensor-to-task relevancy" to explicitly consider the sensing capabilities offered by a sensor to the IoT sensory environments, and QoI requirements required by a task. Second, we aim to propose a novel concept of the "critical service set" of any given task in selecting the sensors to service a task over time. Third, energy management decision is to be investigated that makes control decisions dynamically at runtime, to reach the optimum for long-term application arrivals and departures under the constraint of their service delay.We furth
英文关键词: IoT;Energy management;;;