项目名称: 基于水热碳化生物质法的纳米催化剂设计与合成
项目编号: No.21301165
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陆永明
作者单位: 安徽大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 水热碳化生物质法合成的碳基材料已得到了国内外科学家们的广泛研究,在诸多领域取得了丰硕的成果。本项目旨在利用水热碳化中间体以及最终产物均含有丰富活泼官能团的特点,通过其与金属或非金属的相互作用,在制备过程中实现对材料的设计、掺杂和修饰,制备出多种特定形貌、结构以及物理化学性质的碳材料,并探索其作为载体在催化醇氧化反应中的效果,揭示其物理化学性质对金属固载乃至催化效果的影响作用,发展结构优化、合成简便、高效高选择性的催化剂和催化体系,并以此为设计合成新型非均相催化剂提供一定的理论基础和技术指导。本项目不仅为制备新型醇氧化催化材料提供一条崭新的途径,也可促进化学、材料、环境和能源等学科的交叉融合,具有重要的学术意义和应用前景。
中文关键词: 水热;醇氧化;碳材料;钛酸钠纳米带;固定化酶
英文摘要: In the past decades carbonaceous nanomaterials synthesized via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)process of biomass have been extensively studied and applications in many areas have been revealed such as drug delivery, energy storage, water purification , gas sensor and catalysis. Because of the active functional groups abundant in both the carbonaceous intermediates and as-prepared materials, metal or nonmetal additives could be easily interacted with the carbonaceous materials through convalent bond, ionic bond, coordination bond, hydrogen bond, etc. Following the theory this project mainly aims at the design, doping and modification of the carbonaceous materials during or after the HTC process.Different carbonaceous materials will be synthesized with certain morphology, structure and physical chemistry property. Then selective oxidation of alcohols will be carried out to evaluate the effect of these materials as catalyst supports. The difference between the carbonaceous materials will be investigated to show their impacts on metal immobilization and catalysis. Therefore development of novel carbonaceous materials based catalysts for alcohol oxidation, which are easy to prepare and excellent in activity and selectivity, could be expected. This project not only paves a way for construct efficient catalysts for al
英文关键词: hydrothermal;oxidation of alcohol;carbonaceous nanomaterial;titanate nanobelt;immobilization of enzyme