项目名称: 6.1埃锑基热光伏电池热辐射管理研究
项目编号: No.61306074
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 汪宇
作者单位: 昆明理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 热光伏技术利用光伏电池将红外热辐射转换为电能输出,是第三代光伏技术领域的重要前沿课题。本研究在综合分析热光伏技术低能量转化效率起因的基础上,从热辐射管理的新角度出发,首先立足于6.1?锑基合金半导体材料,深入剖析锑基热光伏电池结构性能与热辐射谱之间的微观联系,揭示不同技术参数对电池性能的影响规律,确立高性价比电池结构制备的理论原则;以发展锑基多能隙电池器件为目标,综合研究多能隙器件中材料、器件、热辐射谱、以及性能之间的理论联系,探索拓展器件光谱响应能量区间的新方法,确立具有高效率、低成本光伏应用潜力的电池新结构;在此基础上,通过研究介电周期结构中光传输和纳米粒子光散射,确立与锑基电池相宜的表面减反射、光谱过滤、背反射等辐射管理系列新方案。通过研究实现电池光谱响应与选择性热辐射谱有效匹配的新途径,实现对热光伏系统中热辐射的有效管理,可望为新型高性能热光伏系统的构建提供系统化的科学依据。
中文关键词: 热光伏;锑基合金;热管理;叠层电池;
英文摘要: Thermophotovoltaic, converting infrared thermal irradiation into electricity by photovoltaic cell, has been regarded as an important strategy of the third generation photovoltaic technologies to conquer energy crisis. Under the suggested project, by analyzing deeply the origin of low efficiency dilemma suffered by current thermophotovoltaic, we will theoretically investigate the novel methods to enhance thermophotovoltaic system performance in the framework of thermal irradiation management. Firstly, on the basis of the antimony-based alloy semiconductors with lattice 6.1 angstrom, we will systematically study the intrinsic relationship between device structure performance and external thermal irradiation spectrum, revealing the impaction of various technical parameters on cell performance and establishing further the fundamental principle to construct new device structure of high performance-price ratio. Secondly, still based on the antimony-based alloy semiconductors, by investigating the theoretical relationship among bandgap combination, device structure, thermal irradiation spectrum, and performance output, we will establish novel strategies to enlarge the cut-off wavelength of cell spectrum response and construct new multiple-bandgap cell for high efficiency but low cost thermophotovoltaic applications.
英文关键词: Thermophotovoltaic;Antimony-containing alloy;Thermal management;Tandem cell;