项目名称: 基于法布里-珀罗结构的光纤光栅功能型器件研究
项目编号: No.60807021
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 董新永
作者单位: 中国计量学院
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 建立了基于法布里-珀罗结构的光纤光栅器件的理论分析模型,利用计算机编程进行了数值计算研究,对其结构参数进行了优化分析。实验搭建并改进了两套光纤光栅制备系统,分别利用连续输出的倍频氩离子激光器和脉冲输出的准分子激光器,对各种光纤光栅的制备技术和工艺进行了探索。利用压电陶瓷驱动相位模板抖动法,成功实现了单次扫描切趾光栅的制备,获得边模抑制比高于20dB的光纤光栅。在国际上率先提出并报道了一种基于空气隙的非本征型光纤光栅法布里-珀罗干涉滤波器,进行了理论建模分析和液体折射率的传感测量,证实其具有优良的传感特性,特别是其测量范围突破了普通光纤折射率传感器的上限。率先提出并报道了一种新型混合型光纤光栅传感结构,成功地进行了折射率、湿度、弯曲等物理量的测量。发表论文共计57 篇,其中SCI 索引18 篇(Journal of Biomedical Optics、IEEE PTL、Sensors & Actuators等),国际会议特邀报告 6 篇。申请发明专利 9 项,其中发明专利7项(授权1项)。培养硕士生8名。
中文关键词: 光纤光栅;法布里-珀罗;光纤滤波器;光纤传感器
英文摘要: A theoretical analysis mode for Fabry-Perot structure based fiber Bragg grating (FBG) devices has been set up. Numerical studies have been implemented in order to optimize their structral factors. Two fiber grating fabrication systems, based respectively on a frequency-doubled argon laser with cw output and a exime laser with pulsed output, were set up and optimized. Fabrications of all types of fiber gratings, have been carried out. Apodized FBGs with SMSR over 20dB have been achieved with only one UV laser beam scanning by using the PZT-drived phase mask dithering method. An air gap based extrinsic Fabry-Perot FBG interferometer has been proposed for refractive index sensor application. Its measurement range breaks the upper limit of normal fiber based index sensors. A hybrid fiber grating sensor structure based on superimposed FBG and tilted-FBG has been proposed for refractive index, humidity and curvature measurements. Totally 57 technical papers have been published with 18 being indexed by SCI. 6 invited talks have been presented on international conferences. 9 patents have been proposed and one was filed. 8 master students have been trained.
英文关键词: Optical fiber Bragg gratings; Fabry-Perot; optical fiber filters; optical fiber sensors