项目名称: 基于移动互联网的天文学传播平台建设
项目编号: No.11320004
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 林清
作者单位: 中国科学院上海天文台
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 上海天文台拥有众多大型天文观测设备,每年承担众多国家自然基金项目和嫦娥探月工程等国家重大战略需求项目。随着65米射电天文望远镜的建成,大众也越来越关注这些大型天文设备怎样工作,以及取得了那些成果。作为国家投资的科研机构,天文台有义务在向公众普及科学知识的同时,展示天文科学的工作状态和取得的成果。本项目基于时下发展最为迅猛的移动互联网,建设一个天文科学传播的移动互联网应用平台,对国内各类大型天文科学设备工作及研究情况进行集中展示,并将国家自然科学基金支持的科研成果进行科普化展示。使用户利用手机等移动终端便可了解新的天文学研究进展,特别是基金支持项目取得的成果,还可以通过有趣的移动应用软件学习相关的天文学知识,提高科学素养。主要开发内容包括:大型天文设备图像采集与实时传输的实现、科研成果科普化、以及基于移动互联网特点的趣味性科普资源应用等。
中文关键词: 天文;科普;移动;互联网;
英文摘要: With the establishment of many new big observational facilities including the 65 meter radio telescope in SHAO, which is the biggest in Asia, people wish to know more and more about the advanced nature of some big telescopes, what scientists are doing, and the scientific achievements they have gained. We are obliged to show them the great works our scientists have performed as well as the advanced astronomic knowledge. To achieve such important purpose, we need to use every kind of propagation means. The mobile internet is the most rapidly developing communication method, but there are very few applications used in the scientific outreach. So we are in duty to use such advanced technology to establish some new applications based on the mobile internet to propagate new achievement of astronomy all over the world and especially in the subject supported by NSFC. We wish to use real-time transportation technology to show the public how scientists are working with the big telescope, and we will also setup some interesting applications to show the dynamic star chart and celestial phenomena. Our purpose of such a platform based on the mobile internet is to let the public better understanding astronomy, our observatory and scientists and popularized the achievement supported by NSFC.
英文关键词: Astronomy;Popularize;Mobile;Internet;