项目名称: 铌基氧化物负载贵金属等离子体光催化材料的制备与其可见光活性研究
项目编号: No.51272048
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 刘刚
作者单位: 国家纳米科学中心
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 在纳米层次设计和制备具有高活性及高可见光响应性光催化剂是光催化领域的研究热点之一。本项目拟采用微波水热法制备铌基三元金属氧化物(AxNbyOz, A=Ce、W、Fe、Sn、Bi等),以实现对其形貌 (零维纳米颗粒、一维纳米棒、二维纳米片)的有效调控并改善其可见光响应性。和传统水热法相比,微波水热法具有加热速率快、均匀,能够在短时间、低温下合成纯度高、粒度细和分布均匀的材料。此外, 在铌基三元金属氧化物表面负载贵金属(Au, Ag)纳米粒子构筑等离子体光催化复合材料。将贵金属/铌基三元金属氧化物应用于典型有机污染物的降解处理,深入分析铌基三元金属氧化物和贵金属在光催化过程中的协同作用机理。该项目的开展将改进可见光响应性铌基三元金属氧化物纳米结构材料的可控合成与掺杂技术,促进多角度认识表面等离子体光催化的内在本质,并为开发新型高效环境治理光催化技术提供新思路。
中文关键词: 铌基氧化物;贵金属纳米粒子;水热法;表面等离子体共振;光催化
英文摘要: Design and fabrication of visible-light responsive photocatalysts with high performance at the nanoscale is one of the most active areas in heterogeneous photocatalysis. In this project, we will utilize microwave-assisted hydrothermal method to synthesize niobium-based ternary metal oxides (AxNbyOz, A=Ce, W, Fe, Sn, Bi et al.), aiming at tuning the morphology (zero-dimensional nanoparticles, one-dimensional nanorods, two-dimensional nanosheets) and enhancing the visible-light response of the as-prepared samples. Compared to conventional hydrothermal synthesis, microwave-assisted hydrothermal method enables the synthesis of materials with relatively higher purity, smaller particle sizes without agglomeration using quick and even heating at low temperature in a short period. In addition, noble metal nanoparticles such Au and Ag will be deposited on niobium-based ternary metal oxides to form plasmonic composites, which will be tested to catalyze representative organic pollutants. The synergetic effects between niobium-based ternary metal oxides and noble metals in the process of photocatalysis will be addressed. Through this project, we will improve the controllable synthesis and doping of nanostructured materials of niobium-based ternary metal oxides, and in-depth understanding of the nature of surface plasmon res
英文关键词: niobium-based oxides;noble metal nanoparticles;hydrothermal synthesis;surface plasmon resonance;photocatalysis