项目名称: 中红外光子晶体光纤超连续谱产生的机理和关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61275144
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 阮双琛
作者单位: 深圳大学
项目金额: 98万元
中文摘要: 与熔石英相比,中红外玻璃具有更高的非线性系数和宽的传光范围,而光子晶体光纤(PCF)技术又具有内在的色散调控和高非线性能力,因此中红外光子晶体光纤超连续谱产生是当前国际上光学与光子学领域的前沿课题。本项目将对中红外PCF中超连续谱产生特性和机理开展细致的理论与实验研究,并研究其全光纤化关键技术。为此,理论设计并实验制备出新颖的中红外PCF,如高非线性光纤、全正常色散光纤以及混合玻璃光纤;拟采用宽带可调的中红外光学参量振荡器(PPLN-OPO/钛宝石飞秒OPO)在PCF的不同色散区域泵浦,所获得超连续谱覆盖2~5μm范围,功率为百毫瓦;并研究超连续谱的相干性以及孤子红移行为。拟研究石英光纤与中红外PCF(或混合玻璃光纤)的低损耗熔接耦合技术,采用锁模掺铥光纤激光器泵浦获得全光纤化中红外连续谱源,谱宽覆盖2~5μm范围,功率百毫瓦。该研究在激光光谱学、环境监测、生物医学等领域具有应用前景。
中文关键词: 中红外;光子晶体光纤;超连续谱产生;光学参量振荡器;
英文摘要: Compared with fused silica, mid-infrared glass usually has higher nonlinear coefficient and broadband transparency range. Meanwhile,PCF technique can provide the inherent dispersion-engineering property and enhance the nonlinear capacity of fiber. As a result, supercontinuum generation in mid-infrared photonic crystal fiber (PCF) has become one of the frontier topics to study in optical and photonic science. This project will carry out a series of theoretical and experimental study on the charactesitic and corresponding mechanism of supercontinuum generation in mid-infrared PCF as well as its all-fiber technology. For this purpose, we will numerically simulate and fabricate out the following novel mid-infrared PCF, such as high nonlinear fiber, all-normal dispersion fiber and hybrid glass fiber, and generate the supercontinuum covering the wavelength range 2~5 μm with an average power up to 100 mW by pumping PCF in different dispersion region with broadband tunable mid-infrared optical parameter oscillator (OPO) such as PPLN-OPO and Ti:Sapphire femtosecond OPO. The coherent property of supercontinuum generation as well as the soliton red-shift behavior will also be given a detailed research. We will solve the splicing technique of the fused silica and mid-infrared PCF or hybrid glass fiber, and fabricate out the
英文关键词: mid-infrared;photonic crystal fiber;supercontinuum generation;OPO;