
2017 年 8 月 7 日 Call4Papers Call4Papers

Swarm and Evolutionary Computation

Special Issue on Differential Evolution

全文截稿: 2018-04-01
影响因子: 3.893
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/swarm-and-evolutionary-computation
Differential Evolution (DE) is a population-based metaheuristic characterised by moving operators that require the support of other solutions and a one-to-one replacement scheme.

After its definition in 1995, as a modified Nelder-Mead algorithm to empirically solve an industrial problem, DE has been broadly used and investigated. A plenty of applications of DE as well as many variants has been proposed over the past two decades. In particular, multiple implementations aiming at enhancing upon the original DE performance on some classes of problems.

These enhancing implementations range from minor changes, such as a randomisation of a parameter, to major redesigns of parts of the DE structures. Examples of enhancing schemes include the integration of local search within some section of DE, the employment of multiple search operators, increase in the exploitation of the search operators, the randomisation of one or more parts of the algorithmic structure, and adaptive/self-adaptive rules in various phases of the optimisation. It must be remarked that the enhanced DE implementations never modify the one-to-one survivor selection that is a main trait of the DE algorithm.

The DE algorithm has been used on a large number of real-world applications in various fields, including for example design engineering, economics and bioinformatics. Some valuable studies attempt to integrate the problem information into modified DE in order to tailor the search to the specific problem.

This special issue aims at collecting recent advances in DE and covers different aspect of this algorithmic structure. We welcome theoretical studies, implementation studies, novel implementation, and applications of DE.

Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished work in the areas including (but not limited to) the following:
- Theoretical analysis of the search mechanism, complexity of DE
- Adaptation and tuning of the control parameters of DE
- Development of new vector perturbation techniques for DE
- Adaptive mixing of the perturbation techniques
- Balancing explorative and exploitative tendencies in DE and memetic DE
- DE for finding multiple global optima
- DE for noisy and dynamic objective functions
- DE for multi-objective optimization
- Robust DE Variants
- Rotationally Invariant DE
- Constraints handling with DE
- DE for high-dimensional optimization
- DE-variants for handling mixed-integer, discrete, and binary optimization problems
- Hybridization of DE with other search methods
- Hybridization with Paradigms such as Neuro-fuzzy, Statistical Learning, Machine Learning, etc.
- Development of challenging problem sets for DE
- Applications of DE in any domain


Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Call for Papers for Special Issue "ICT and the Sharing Economy: Economic Perspectives on the New E-Commerce"

全文截稿: 2018-05-31
影响因子: 1.954
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/electronic-commerce-research-and-applications
Purpose. The impact of information and communication technology (ICT) can hardly be overestimated, since it is central to managing the new breed of services associated with the sharing economy, and new forms of e-commerce. At the same time, relying on a ICT platform, with the speed and ubiquity that it guarantees, gives sharing services a strong advantage over the traditional way of providing the same service. However, the development of sharing platform has met stiff resistance by incumbent service providers, due both to the disruption of the established competition framework and to the alleged differences in regulations and obligations. Existing businesses are under strong pressure to cope up with fierce competition coming from sharing economy companies. We invite papers that explore the state and development of the sharing economy, the market mechanisms involved, the role of technology, and the related social, regulatory, policy and legal issues.

Topics. The special issue will be devoted to exploring strategic, managerial, technical, economic and policy challenges in the sharing economy domain. Submissions that treat some aspect of Economics in their research inquiry (theoretical modeling and simulation, empirical modeling and data analytics, public policy analysis and the transformation of firm strategies in the presence of on-demand labor and services) are especially welcome.

More generally, we seek high-quality, unpublished contributions on the following related topics:
- Public, corporate and industry experiences with sharing platforms
- Impacts of the sharing economy on different industries and the economy as a whole
- Competition between sharing economy companies and traditional firms
- Dynamic pricing on sharing platforms, and related marketing issues
- The transformation of labor demand and supply in the sharing economy
- Public policy issues, including legal, regulatory, political and governance debates and discussions


Sustainable Cities and Society

Special Issue on Innovative Approaches towards Sustainable Design of the Built Environment

全文截稿: 2018-06-01
影响因子: 1.777
期刊难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/sustainable-cities-and-society
The special issue of the journal focuses on sustainable design, building energy performance, sustainable planning of neighbourhoods and cities, emphasising a balanced approach to environmental, socio-economic and technical aspects of sustainability. The topics extend to include innovative approaches for education and training on sustainability of the built environment. The issue aims to raise awareness concerning state-of-the-art strategies and best practice across the world of integrating sustainable development approaches in the built environment.

Therefore, the target of the present special issue is to present the leading edge of sustainable design with the strategies used to optimize the overall performance of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities. Submitted manuscripts should address and propose:
• Sustainable urban design
• Education for sustainability
• Bioclimatic and passive design
• Zero and low carbon design
• Sustainable construction and technology
• Building Performance Evaluation (BPE)
• Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)
• Energy efficiency in buildings
• Renewable energy technologies
• Indoor Environmental Quality, health and wellbeing
• Building Simulation and Building Information Modelling (BIM)
• Innovative didactics for sustainable development


Pattern Recognition Letters

Virtual Special Issue on Pattern Recognition Techniques for Non Verbal Human Behavior (NVHB)

全文截稿: 2018-07-31
影响因子: 1.995
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/pattern-recognition-letters/
Fundamental Cues for Non-Verbal behavioral are human communication and interaction. Despite Significant advances in recent years, state of the art human-machine systems still falls short in sensing, analyzing and fully understanding cues naturally expressed in everyday settings. Two of the most important non-verbal cues, evidenced by a large body of work in experimental psychology and behavioral sciences, are visual behavior and body language.

Widely anticipated in HCI is that computing will move to the background, weaving itself into the fabric of our everyday living and projecting the human user into the foreground. To realize this goal, next-generation computing will need to develop human-centered user interfaces that respond readily to naturally occurring, multimodal, human communication. These interfaces will need the capacity to perceive, understand, and respond appropriately to human intentions and cognitive- emotional states as communicated by social and affective signals.

Motivated by this visionof the future, automated analysis of nonverbal behavior has attracted increasing attention in diverse disciplines, including psychology, computer science, linguistics, and neuroscience. Promising approaches have been reported, especially in the areas of facial expression and multimodal communication. Yet, increasing evidence suggests that deliberate or posed behavior differs in appearance and timing from that which occurs in daily life. Approaches to automatic behavior analysis that have been trained on deliberate and typically exaggerated behaviors may fail to generalize to the complexity of expressive behavior found in real-world settings.

This Virtual Special Issue (VSI) intends to bring together researchers and developers from academic fields and industries worldwide working in the broad areas of computer vision and promote community-wide discussion of ideas that will influence and foster continued research in this field for the betterment of human mankind.

Papers submitted to this VSI and accepted for publication will be spread through several regular issues, since each accepted paper will be published as soon as possible without waiting until all submissions to the VSI are in final status. The accepted papers will also be gathered as part of a VSI that will be available exclusively online and will be gradually built up as the individual articles are published online.

Recommended topics are given below:
- Intelligent visual surveillance
- Deep learning based Gait recognition
- Machine Learning approaches
- Semi supervised learning based behavior analysis
- Deep learning for facial expression behavior
- Real world application of behavior analysis
- Time-critical techniques to understand gestural behavior
- Sensor data interpretation for live behavior analysis

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