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图片来源:Sean McCann
对雄性黑寡妇蜘蛛而言,找寻配偶充满了风险。“它们必须一场经历漫长而曲折的旅程。”多伦多大学(University of Toronto)的昆虫学家凯瑟琳·斯科特(Catherine Scott)说。
Male Black Widows Poach Rivals' Approaches
For male black widow spiders, finding a mate is risky business. “They have to go on an epic journey.”
Catherine Scott, an arachnologist at the University of Toronto.
At the population she studies, on Canada’s Vancouver Island, she says the spiders have only a 12 percent chance of surviving their scramble over sand dunes and plants. And “they have very poor eyesight, and they’re traveling at night.”
So one way males find females is by sniffing, from afar, the pheromone perfume on their webs. But Scott has now discovered an alternative way males find mates: by subjecting the spiders to a race.
“For each male, before he started, we weighed him in on a tiny scale, and we painted him with racing stripes and measured the length of his legs. We had a finish line of pheromone-emitting females.... And we released males at various distances from those females to see whether they arrived at a female’s web or not and how fast they got there.”
What surprised them was…[read more]
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