In the last decades, major sports events have become a manifestation of the globalization process underway, promoting large-scale commercialization of the phenomenon.
The Olympic Games have long been at the forefront of technology developments. They are capable to engage consumers through more interactive platforms and content, with a plethora of new features and new experiences for an increasingly demanding audience.
According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the Rio 2016 Olympic Games had the highest media coverage ever. It is estimated that half of the world’s population watched the last edition of the Summer Olympics. Broadcasters from around the world transmitted 357 thousand hours, and digital platforms more than 243 thousand hours. In total 584 TV channels and more than 270 digital platforms accompanied the event and transmitted the magic of the Olympic Games to the world. More than 25,000 journalists were accredited, 26 million people visited the internet site ‘’ and IOC social networking publications, registering over 4 billion ‘likes’.
In Portugal, according to Marktest, between 1 and 24 August 2016, the Portuguese media published more than 28 thousand news about the Olympic Games. The Internet, with 51%, was the platform that presented more news, followed by Television with 29% and Radio with 12% of the total news. The Press has dedicated 7% of its space to the Olympic Games.
The conference aims at creating a space for sharing and debate on the various perspectives of Sport, Olympic Games and Media in the following aspects: -The importance of media in sport and the Olympic Games; -The concept of “sports heros” in the media; -Sports and Violence. -The role of Media in building local and global identities through the representation of mega sporting events. -Sports and media: cultural industry
OSME 2018
International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
摘要截稿: 2017-12-01
全文截稿: 2018-03-15
开会时间: 2018-09-05
会议难度: ★★
会议地点: Oxford, UK
The 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (7OSME) will take place in Oxford, United Kingdom between 5th and 7th September 2018. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the Summer Convention of the British Origami Society, who have just reached their 50-year anniversary this year.
The OSME meeting is one of the most important gatherings of the origami community around the world. Previous meetings, held approximately every four years, have been highly successful; the community has grown exponentially, which is demonstrated by the fact that over 300 participants attended in the 6OSME in Tokyo. The meeting proceedings have become the definitive guide for advanced origami research.
We are fully aware that the success of the meeting is dependent on your active participation. We welcome you if you are origami artists who create artistic objects, mathematicians who model origami or use origami to solve other mathematics problems, scientists who explore folding or biological objects, engineers who use origami to tackle problems in the virtual and real worlds, and educators who use origami to inspire younger generations.
At the moment, we are actively working on various issues related to the meeting, and details will be announced on this website as soon as all the logistics have been completed. Please pre-register so that we shall keep you informed about the meeting.