The present preprint specifies and defines all Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms of ProcessCO (Process Core Ontology). ProcessCO is an ontology devoted mainly for Work Entities and related terms, which is placed at the core level in the context of a multilayer ontological architecture called FCD-OntoArch (Foundational, Core, and Domain Ontological Architecture for Sciences). This is a five-layered ontological architecture, which considers Foundational, Core, Domain and Instance levels, where the domain level is split down in two sub-levels, namely: Top-domain and Low-domain. Ontologies at the same level can be related to each other, except for the foundational level where only ThingFO (Thing Foundational Ontology) is found. In addition, ontologies' terms and relationships at lower levels can be semantically enriched by ontologies' terms and relationships from the higher levels. Note that both ThingFO and ontologies at the core level such as ProcessCO, SituationCO, among others, are domain independent with respect to their terms. Stereotypes are the mechanism used for enriching ProcessCO terms mainly from the ThingFO ontology. Note that in the end of this document, we address the ProcessCO vs. ThingFO non-taxonomic relationship verification matrix. Additionally, note that annotations of updates from the previous version (ProcessCO v1.2) to the current one (v1.3) can be found in Appendix A. For instance, 6 axioms were added.
翻译:当前预印指定和定义了所有术语、属性、关系和进程核心肿瘤(Process Centrial OntoArch) 的 Axioms。 进程CO 是一个专用于工作实体和相关术语的本体学, 在称为 FCD- OntoArch( FCD- OntoArch (FCD- OntoArch (FCD- Onto Arch (Foundational, Core, and Dome Ontology) 的多层本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本, 本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本部本本部本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本