In classical two-party computation, a trusted initializer who prepares certain initial correlations, known as one-time tables, can help make the inputs of both parties information-theoretically secure. We propose some bipartite quantum protocols with possible aborts for approximately generating such bipartite classical correlations with varying degrees of privacy, without introducing a third party. Under some weak requirements for the parties, the security level is nontrivial for use in bipartite computation. We show that the security is sometimes dependent on the noise level, but we propose a method for dealing with noise. The security is "forced security", which implies that the probability that some useful one-time tables are generated can approach $1$ in the noiseless case under quite weak assumptions about the parties, although the protocols allow aborts. We show how to use the generated one-time tables to achieve nontrivial information-theoretic security in generic two-party classical or quantum computation tasks, including (interactive) quantum homomorphic encryption. Our methods provide check-based implementations of some no-signaling correlations, including the PR-box type, with the help of communication which carry no information about the inputs in the generated correlations.
翻译:在传统的双方计算中,一个值得信赖的初始化器,负责编写某些初始关联,称为一次性表格,可以帮助使双方的信息安全化。我们提议了一些双方量子协议,可能允许中止,以产生具有不同隐私度的双方古典关联,但不引入第三方。在对双方的一些薄弱要求下,安全级别是非三角的,可以用于双方计算。我们显示,安全有时取决于噪音水平,但我们建议了一种处理噪音的方法。安全是“强制安全 ”, 这意味着在对双方的假设相当薄弱的情况下,在无噪音的情况下,产生一些有用的一次性表格的可能性接近$1美元,尽管协议允许中止。我们展示如何利用生成的一次性表格在普通的两方古典或量子计算任务中实现非边际信息-理论安全,包括(互动的)量式同式加密。我们的方法提供了一些无信号关联的检查实施方法,包括PR箱类型,与通信的关联性没有任何生成的信息。