项目名称: 基于国产静止气象卫星数据的地表温度和比辐射率反演方法研究
项目编号: No.41301387
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 高彩霞
作者单位: 中国科学院光电研究院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 地表温度是表征地球表面能量平衡和气候变化的重要指标,也是研究区域和全球尺度陆地表面物理过程的关键参数之一,在气候、农业、环境和灾害监测等领域有极大的应用价值。静止气象卫星红外数据具有高时间分辨率和观测角度一致的优势,其地表温度产品具有广泛的应用前景。然而,目前静止气象卫星红外数据的大气纠正和地表温度/比辐射率反演仍存在很多缺陷。本研究拟针对我国国产静止气象卫星数据,探索建立基于遥感反演产品和温度日变化模型相结合的时间序列热红外数据大气纠正新方法。并以此为基础,充分考虑静止气象卫星数据高时间分辨率和多光谱特性,利用温度无关光谱指数法反演地表比辐射率;而后,通过探索地表温度反演受气溶胶影响的变化规律,建立考虑气溶胶影响的地表温度反演模型。最后,研究地表温度/比辐射率交叉验证方法以检验地表温度/比辐射率模型反演精度。
中文关键词: 红外数据;地表温度;地表比辐射率;大气纠正;交叉验证
英文摘要: Land surface temperature (LST) is an important climate variable, which is related to surface energy balance and the integrated thermal state of the atmosphere within the planetary boundary layer. LST is also a key parameter in local and global land surface processes, and is valuable in areas such as climate, agriculture, environment and disaster monitoring. Geostationary meteorological satellite (GMS) infrared data has a extensive application prospect due to the advantages of high temporal resolution and the fixed view angle for a given pixel. However, there are many defects in atmospheric correction, LST and land surface emissivity (LSE) retrievals from GMS infrared data. Based on the Chinese GMS infrared data, this study aims to develop a new method for atmospheric correction with the aid of remote sensing retrieval products and temperature diurnal cycle model. And then, in consideration of the high temporal resolution and multi-spectral characteristics of the GMS data, temperature independent spectral indics-based method is used to retrieve LSE. Subsequently,a new LST retrieval method is developed taking into account of aerosol effects. Finally, to assess LST and LSE retrieval accuracies, a cross-validation method is developed.
英文关键词: Infrared data;Land surface temperature;Land surface emissivity;Atmosphere effect correction;Cross validation