项目名称: 演化信息驱动的软件质量改善研究
项目编号: No.61262015
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 钟林辉
作者单位: 江西师范大学
项目金额: 11万元
中文摘要: 软件演化是软件不断更新变化的过程,是软件的本质特征之一。通过记录和分析软件演化过程中的有用信息,能够有助于理解软件演化的原因、目标及其发展趋势,能为更好地控制和适应未来软件的演化奠定基础。特别的,在构件化软件开发和Internet环境下,软件构件和软件体系结构的质量、软件组织的过程能力影响着最终软件的质量。目前,软件重构是改善软件质量的一种重要方法,传统的重构方法着眼于对程序结构的静态分析,并以此为基础对软件结构进行修改,但这种方法往往准确度不高,其中一个原因是静态方法所使用的信息比较单一。为了克服上述缺点,本项目采用演化信息驱动的策略,将软件变化过程中所蕴含有用信息作为静态分析的补充,同时结合组织过程改善,最终实现软件质量的改善。具体工作包括:建立构件化软件的演化信息获取平台,研究软件演化信息挖掘方法,面向JAVA程序的软件体系结构重构策略,以及如何实施面向演化的软件组织过程改善。
中文关键词: 软件演化;软件体系结构;软件质量;软件重构;软件聚类
英文摘要: Software evolution is the process of software changing continuously, and is one of the essential characteristics of the software. By recording and analyzing software evolution information,it can help to understand the reasons,goals and trends of software evolution, which can lay the foundation for better controlling and adapting for the future evolution of software. In particular, in the component-based software development and Internet environment , the quality of software architecture and software components, the capability of the software organization affect the final quality of the software. Currently, software refactoring is one important method to improve software quality , but the traditional methods used in software refactoring focus on program structure by static analysis,which is basis for the imementation of software architecture modification. But those methods are often not high accuracy because of the relatively simple and incompleteness of the information used in static analysis. To overcome these shortcomings, the project uses the software evolution information-driven strategy, that is the useful change information as a supplement for static analysis and combined with organizational process improvement,so it can ultimately improve software quality. Our main working include the establishment pla
英文关键词: software evolution;software architecture;software quality;software refactoring;software clustering