项目名称: 基于复杂性密码学理论及应用若干问题研究
项目编号: No.61472084
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 赵运磊
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 基于复杂性理论密码学在当代密码学处于核心和战略的位置。其中,零知识、知识证明和非延展性既是基于复杂性密码理论的核心工具和概念,同时亦是云计算、网络安全密码协议的核心安全和隐私要求。 在理论研究上,申请项目旨在基于复杂性理论密码学的源头(DH-协议),以及核心工具和概念(零知识、知识证明、非延展性)上,取得系统性创新和成果。理论研究注重成果的基础性、体系性和框架性;注重开创新概念和新的基础密码工具、方法和范例,努力研创基于复杂性理论的可证明安全性新理论框架。 理论联系实际。基于本项目所取得的密码理论成果并被其所洞察和指导,研发新型云计算计算代理和网络安全核心密钥交换协议,获得具有自主知识产权的系统性的密码应用技术革新。所研发的新型应用密码协议应在性能上优于目前的相关国际标准,乃至推动相关密码技术标准的更新换代,服务于国家知识经济的发展和信息安全核心技术的自主创新。
中文关键词: 计算复杂性;零知识;知识证明;非延展性;云计算代理
英文摘要: Complexity-based cryptography (CC) plays a central role in modern cryptography. Its fundamental tools and concepts are: zero-knowledge, proof-of-knowledge and non-malleability, which are, in turn, the core security and privacy requirements for cryptographic protocols concurrently run over Internet or Cloud. In theory research, this project aims to achieve systematic innovations and results both in the origin of CC (say, the Diffie-Hellman protocol), and in the fundamental tools/concepts of CC (say, zero-knowledge, proof-of-knowledge and non-malleability). Theory research will focus on systematism of innovations, and on developing new paradigms, approaches and techniques that overcome limitations of the existing ones. With the theory work, we will aim at new provable security framework based on complexity theory. Based upon, and being guided by, the theoretical results and frameworks developed with this project, innovative protocols both for cloud computation delegation and for authenticated key exchange over network will be developed in this project. Applied cryptography research will focus on acquiring systematic cryptographic innovations with independent knowledge rights. The developed new applied protocols should outperform the corresponding existing international standards, and should have the potential to be developed toward the next generation of the corresponding standards.
英文关键词: Computational complexity;Zero knowledge;Proof of knowledge;Non-malleability;Delegation of cloud computation