项目名称: 基于压缩域的海量视频浓缩关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61462057
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 李向伟
作者单位: 兰州工业学院
项目金额: 46万元
中文摘要: 针对当前生活中压缩域数字视频增长速度快、冗余数据多、利用率低及实时性不强的问题,课题面向现代应用广泛且每日呈指数增长的数字视频,在深入分析现有视频应用现状与理论方法的基础上,通过引入邻近消息传播模型、粗糙集属性约简理论及小波多分辨分析等数学方法,结合关联分析、聚类等数据挖掘与数据分析思想,将压缩域数字视频进行有效的镜头边界检测、关键帧提取及关键帧融合,得到原视频的高度浓缩片段。以新的理论与思维对镜头提取、关键帧产生与视频融合等关键技术在原有基础上进行了创新研究。提出了一套完整的压缩域海量视频浓缩技术体系,使得海量的压缩域数字视频在尽可能少丢失有用信息的前提下进行科学、有效的高度浓缩,便于人们在较短时间内获取海量视频的实时重要信息,大大缩短数字视频的浏览时间,极大地提高压缩域数字视频的应用效率,为视频的高效利用奠定一定的理论基础。
中文关键词: 视频浓缩;视频分析;压缩域
英文摘要: Aimed at the problem of the digital video in compressed domain, such as growing faster, redundant data, low utilization rate and the pool performance of real-time in current reality of life, the suject oriented the wide applications of modern social and daily exponential growth of digital video, based on the in-depth analysis of the existing video analysis theory and techniques, and also the current video application situation, by introduction of the adjacent message propagation model, Rough Sets attribute reduction theory, wavelet multiresolution analysis and other novel mathematical methods, combining association analysis, clustering, data mining and data analysis theory, achieved the highly concentrated original video clips by effective shot boundary detection, key frame extraction and key frame fusion techniques of the video in compressed domain, Researched the key techniques of shot segmentation, key frame generation and video fusion from a novel perspective using novel theory and new thinking. Proposed a set of complete massive video concentrate system in compressed domain, making the original massive digital video under the condition of less loss of useful information as much as possible to highly concentrate effectively, so as for we can acquire the important and real-time information of massive video in a short period time, greatly shorten the browsing time of digital video,improving the application efficiency of compressed digital video,and finally laying a theoretical foundation for the use of compressed domain digital video effectively.
英文关键词: video concentrate;video analysis;compressed domain