项目名称: 面向云计算数据隐私保护的访问控制策略模型与技术研究
项目编号: No.61502017
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 林莉
作者单位: 北京工业大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 云计算是目前信息技术领域的研究热点之一。在云计算环境下,来自不同企业的业务应用和数据部署在非完全可信的云服务商平台上,数据处理和存储在租户非完全可控的计算环境下进行,数据隐私保护问题自然成为云应用的一个极大挑战。本项目针对云计算的应用特征,系统化的考虑其数据隐私保护问题对访问控制策略模型及技术的新需求,以统一的、支持隐私保护的访问控制策略模型为基础,突破“策略可整合”以及“实施可保障”两项核心技术,研究内容包括:建立支持隐私保护的统一访问控制策略模型;研究动态访问控制策略的自动合成方法;研究访问控制策略的可信执行方案。最后通过实验对上述研究进行检验,并研制相关原型系统。该项目的开展将有助于提高我国在云计算及安全领域的核心竞争力,同时将有助于推动云计算的健康发展及成熟应用。
中文关键词: 云计算;数据隐私保护;访问控制;策略合成;可信执行
英文摘要: Cloud computing has recently become one of hot research topics of information technology. In cloud computing environments, the applications and data from different companies are deployed over computing resources that cannot always be trusted, and tenants have no complete control over these resources. Hence, tenants’ fear of confidential data leakage and loss of privacy in the cloud becomes a significant barrier to the wide adoption of cloud services. It makes a critical challenge to the current access control policy models and technology. This proposal will build a framework for realizing multi-tenancy oriented data privacy protection based on a unified privacy-aware access control policy model. In particular, we will propose two key technologies, i.e., to allow privacy-aware access control policies to be integrated, and to realize implementation of privacy-aware access control policies to be guarantee. First, we will propose a unified formal access control policy model that describes rules for the protection of data privacy, based on which we design a framework for multi-tenancy oriented data privacy protection. Second, we will study the optimal automatic composition of dynamic privacy-aware access control policies. Third, we will propose a solution to the trusted enforcement for privacy-aware access control policies. Finally, a prototype will be constructed for evaluating the proposed algorithms. The success execution of this project would enhance the core competitive ability of the country in the cloud computing and security fields. As a consequence, it helps promote the healthy development and mature application of cloud computing technology.
英文关键词: Cloud Computing;Data Privacy Protection;Access Control;Policy Composition;Trusted enforcement