项目名称: 基于认知的宽带星地混合系统OFDM传输关键技术
项目编号: No.61201143
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 贾敏
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 卫星移动通信在国家安全、应急救援、互联网、教育及医疗、卫星电视广播以及个人移动通信等方面都有着广泛的应用,尤其在我国地理环境复杂的国情下,在国家安全及应急救灾两个方面更可直接关系到国家和民众的安危,充分发挥其不可替代的作用。宽带卫星移动通信系统可以满足未来越来越多的用户、更多业务、更多频段的业务要求,同时其也面临着系统频谱、信道资源日益紧张的局面。本课题以无线通信发展的宽带化和智能化为导向,采用可以有效利用空闲频谱的认知思想,针对卫星通信链路的时变特性、节点的移动性及OFDM子载波不连续的特点,研究Ka频段多载波OFDM卫星星地链路传输特性,并提出多载波宽带卫星通信系统星地链路宽带频谱感知方法、宽带卫星星地复杂信道的感知技术以及子载波、多用户功率联合优化机制,从而提高系统频谱利用率及系统性能,并为推进我国乃至全球实现下一代宽带星地混合系统提供理论基础和技术支持。
中文关键词: 移动卫星通信;宽带;认知无线电;协作频谱感知;功率分配
英文摘要: Mobile satellite communication which plays an irreplaceable role can be widely used for many aspects, such as the national security, disaster emergency communication,internet application, education, medical treatment, satellite television broadcasing and personal communication, especially for the two aspects of national security and disaster emerency communication which are associated to the country and people's security closely in the condition of complex geographical environment. And the broadband satellite communication systems can satisfy the requirements of more users, more services and more frequencies in future. However, the broadband satellite communication systems also meet the problems of the limited channel and frequency resources at the same time. Therefore, following the characteristics of broadband and intelligentize with the development of wireless communication technology, this research adopts the idea of cognitive radio which can use the frequency spectrum resource effectively, and focuses on the time variation, mobility of satellite communication links, and non-continuous of multi-carrier OFDM scheme. Moreover, the contents of this research includes the characteristics of satellite links for OFDM scheme under Ka frequency band. Furthermore, broadband spectrum sensing algrithom for multi-carrier
英文关键词: mobile satellite communications;broadband;cognitive radio;cooperative spectrum sensing;power allocation