项目名称: 异构移动蜂窝网频谱效率与能量效率的折中优化理论与机制
项目编号: No.61471089
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 冯钢
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 为支持未来移动通信业务量的快速增长,采用覆盖分层、频段分层、制式分层的异构网络(HetNet)架构,被认为是下一代移动蜂窝网的必然之选,但这种网络架构演进受到频谱资源和能耗的双重约束。本项目拟从系统和网络的角度探索异构蜂窝网中频谱与能量的高效利用机理与方法。将着重从机理上分析异构蜂窝网中系统能量效率与频谱效率的内在关系,提出二者折中理论分析模型和系统优化设计框架,并在此框架下研究系统能量效率和频谱效率的动态优化配置问题。本项目研究目标是建立有效的理论分析及优化模型,设计出系统动态优化配置机制和算法,有效提高异构移动通信系统综合能量效率和频谱效率。本项目研究成果可为我国研发下一代5G蜂窝网资源分配管理机制提供理论基础和有效的技术手段。在研究过程中将综合博弈论、建模、最优化等分析和研究手段,通过理论分析、仿真以及实验平台验证所提出的理论和机制算法,产生高水平创新理论和技术成果。
中文关键词: 异构蜂窝网;频谱效率;能量效率;折中优化;动态配置
英文摘要: Heterogeneous cellular network(HetNet), which is constructed by employing hierachical coverage,spectrum and system, has been considered to be a very promising infrastructure for supportting the exponential growth in demand of higher data rates and onther services in future wireless cellular networks. However, development of hierachical networks and further improvement of system capacity are constrained by both spectral and energy resources. In this project we plan to explore the mechanism and methodology for utilize spectral and energy resources with high effeciency from system and network aspect,and investigate the tradeoff and optmization between spectral effeciency (SE) and Energy Effeciency (EE).Our research will be focused on inherent relationship between system SE and EE in heterogeneous cellular networks. Next,we plan to develop tradeoff analytical model and optimization framework and address dynamic system configuration problem based on our optimization framework. Our research objective is developing theoretical model and optimization framework, and effective dynamic system configuration mechanism and algorithm, to effectvely improve overall system SE and EE performance. The reseacrh results and deliveralbles of this project can provide some useful theorectical foundation and effective technique for developing next generation 5G mobile communication systems of our country. We are going to adopt game theory, optimization and modelling in our research and validate our theoretical results and proposed mechanism and algorithm through using analysis,simulation and prototype. High-level innovative theoretical achievements and effetive techniques in the area of next generation cellular networks will be produced in this project.
英文关键词: Heterogeneous Cellular Networks;Spectral Efficiency;Energy Efficiency;Tradeoff;Dynamic Configuration